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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107

I’m not buying it! Not for a second!” Shela glared at her. “Your talk is cheap!”

Letitia was all in anyway. With Elgin using her father to threaten her, she had no choice but to play ball.

“What do you want from me?” she spread her hands. “Get down on my knees?”

She would do it. As for pnde? That ship had sailed

“Heh, Shela’s eyes gleamed with malice. “Begging was your option from last time. Now… it’s not that simple!”

5 F 9 5

Letitia’s brow furrowed.

She heard Shela spit out, “An eye for an eye. Letitia, only if your kid’s gone too will I think about forgiving you. Otherwise, forget it!”

Letitia’s hand instinctively covered her belly. No way on earth!

But then, Elgin’s voice floated lightly, “She has a point.”

Letitia truly panicked this time.

With Elgin on her side, Shela found her backbone, “Mr. Ramirez, you agree, right? Our baby didn’t deserve to die for nothing. And Letitia’s carrying a bastard child. Get rid of it!”

Shela couldn’t help but think.. if Mr. Ramirez personally took care of Letitia’s pregnancy, that would be sweet justice. She was almost giddy with anticipation!

Mr. Ramirez would never know he was offing his own flesh and blood!

Letitia shook her head firmly. “You can’t do this. Shela, your miscarriage was a tragic accident, and you want me to terminate mine on purpose? That’s no different from murder!”

“My baby died because of you!”

“It was an accident! I fell down the stairs too!TM

Shela snorted, “You pulled me down on purpose before you fell!”

Letitia was shaking with anger. That woman was always twisting the truth, setting her up!

She began to back towards the door, step by step, “Shela, I’ll never agree to this!”

“Letitia, that mongrel should’ve never existed,” Elgin’s gaze landed on her belly, “now’s a good time to take care of it.”

He’d been irked for a while. The baby was a constant reminder that Letitia had another man in her heart! For him, she was willing to start a family, to give her all!

Elgin was green with jealousy!

Shela quickly echoed, “Exactly!”

“No, way!” Letitia’s stance was unwavering.

Tension thickened, ready to explode.

A melodious ringtone broke the silence.

Elgin answered, “Hello?”

“Mr. Ramirez, the Jewelry Department is having a meeting, but we can’t reach Mrs Ramirez Ranen’s voice came through. “Are you with her?”


“We’re launching a new season’s designs, and she is the head designer. She can’t miss it.”

Letitia clung to this lifeline, “I have to go to the office! Ramirez Romantica is just picking up steam, and there’s lots of work!”

She turned on her heel and bolted.

“Hey. Letitia. Shela threw off the covers, ready to chase her down.

But remembering she was supposed to be ‘recuperating from a miscarriage’, she begrudgingly lay back down.

“Mr. Ramirez her voice oozed faux sweetness, “she didn’t come to apologize, did she? She came to upset me *

sort this out Elgin walked out without glancing back.

Ps you faded as he vanished from sight.


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