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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Samson was totally flummoxed, “You want it?”

‘Yep, after all, I designed that ring. I wanna dig into it a bit more, plus it’s my first time dealing with high-end custom bling, Letitia said with a chuckle ‘Is that cool with you?”

Samson thought for a moment and agreed, “Sure thing”

Letitia added, “Oh, and Mr. Stewart, to dodge any unnecessary drama, please don’t spill the beans to Elgin. I don’t want him thinking I’m up to some shenanigans with the ring

“Gotcha. I’ll just say I haven’t laid hands on it yet.”

“Thanks, Mr. Stewart.”

“No sweat, Samson replied, Take it. Just hand it back when you’re done.”

Letitia carefully tucked the ring into its box, Jokingly saying, “I’d better keep it safe as treasure- if I lose it. I can’t afford that kind of mistakes.

Stepping out of the office, Vidonia couldn’t hold back any longer, “Letitia, are you alright?”


“What’s with swiping the ring?” Vidonia gestured, “Aren’t you getting disgust, holding onto Shela’s stuff?”

“I need it. Letitia replied.

“You’re actually gonna study it…”

“Shh” Letitia pulled her aside, made sure the coast was clear, and whispered, “Vidonia, I really need your help on this one.”

“Spill it.”

Clutching the brocade box, Letitia said, “Shela lost her kid, and Elgin’s got me apologizing till she forgives me. But now, Shela won’t accept my apology and wants my baby die with hers.”

“Damn, what a bitch!”

To get out of this mess, there’s only one way. Prove that Shela’s miscarriage had nothing to do with me.”

“How can you prove that?” Vidonia asked. “Does this have anything to do with the ring?”

Letitia looked down and said, “I don’t have any proof, and the only lead is Shela herself. So…”

She leaned in and whispered in Vidonia’s ear, “I just checked out this ring- it’s big enough to stash something teeny.”

“Like what?”

“A micro bug.”

Vidonia’s eyes lit up, “Letitia, you sneaky genius! That’s your game plan!”

“So I need the ring, gotta rig it up pronto,” Letitia said. “Once Shela gets her hands on it, she’ll either flaunt it or keep it close. Everything she says will get picked up by the bug!”

Desperation brings out the best in people, and Letitia was cornered.

With Shela breathing down her neck, she had to look out for herself and hit back hard.

No peace for Letitia till Shela’s out of the picture!

Letitia opened the brocade box, her gaze fixed on the glittering ring, “If Shela staged her miscarriage to frame me, she’s bound to spill the beans to someone close at some point.”

“I’m all in! Vidonia said, pumped up about the plan. “I’m on it right away!”


Letitia hoped this move would knock Shela down for good. She couldn’t let Shela get back on her feet- if she did, Letitia would be toast! So she had to win, not lose, and keep Shela down for good!

Vidonia had connections and found someone for the job the next day.

Letitia brought the ring herself, and watched a techie secure a bug the size of a fingernail into the ring, making sure it was snug as a bug in a rug

to only good for a month. After that, the bug goes dead.”

Roger that I’ll make it count


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