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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Wow, you’ve got some nerve!” Odetta exclaimed, “Have you lost your mind, with that huge amount of money? Are you trying to get yourself behind bars?”

After the initial panic, Letitia actually calmed down. She replied, “Just because the wedding ring is in my bag, you think it’s stolen? You can’t just go around throwing accusations like that.”

“And what gives you the right to be holding onto the wedding ring all by your lonesome? Who do you think you are?”

“I was going to give the ring to Samson…

*Don’t use Mr. Stewart as a shield, Odetta cut her off without listening to her explanation, “Come on, we’re going to see Mr. Ramirez! This is a big deal and it needs his judgment!”

Go see Elgin? No way that could happen!

Letitia turned to run, but Odetta grabbed her clothes and yanked her towards the elevator, “Move!”

She didn’t dare to struggle too much, worried about harming the baby inside her, and so she was no match for Odetta’s strength.

CEO’s office.

Elgin looked up to see the somewhat disheveled and embarrassed Letitia.

“What’s with all the fuss?” he said coolly.

Odetta immediately tattled, “Mr. Ramirez, Letitia’s been stealing! And she stole your wedding ring of all things!”

The wedding ring?”

“Yes I saw her sneaking out of the elevator, clutching her bag all suspicious-like. I confronted her, and as it turned out, the ring was indeed in her bag! Saying so, Odetta handed over the ring box, “Mr. Ramirez, please see for yourself!”

Elgin glanced at it briefly, it was indeed the ring he intended to give to Shela.

Why was it in Letitia’s bag? She didn’t even want to admit that she had designed the ring.

“Mr. Ramirez, this is serious business. Stealing something this valuable could land her behind bars! Odetta put on her righteous act, “We should call the cops, let them handle it!”

Elgin drummed his fingertips on the desk.

“Letitia,” he said, “anything you want to explain?”

“I didn’t steal the wedding ring, and I had no reason to

“Then why was it in your bag?”

Letitia couldn’t very well say she took it to bug it!

“I was going to give it to Mr. Stewart Letitia answered, “If you don’t believe me, Mr. Ramirez, you can call Mr. Stewart over right now and confront him.”

Samson arrived quickly. Even though he didn’t understand what Letitia was up to, he still took her side after hearing what happened.

“Yes, that’s right.” Samson nodded, “The ring was given to Letitia by me.”

Elgin asked, “What for?”

“Uh, she… she thought the craftsmanship of this ring was exquisite, a rare find.” Samson could lie with a straight face, “She wanted to see if there was any way to apply this top-notch craftsmanship to the production process of Ramirez Romantica”.”

He turned his head to Letitia, “Right?”

“Yes!” Letitia quickly chimed in, “That’s exactly what Mr. Stewart said”

Now, if she wasn’t quick on her feet, she’d be toast!

Odetta was flabbergasted, “Mr. Ramirez, Mr. Stewart, she…”

You need to focus on your job, Samson scolded, “Stop stirring up unnecessary trouble, disrupting the company!”

“I… I had no idea the ring was given to Letitia by you…”

“Out you go.”

Odetta thought she had caught Letitia red-handed, but instead, she ended up getting a scolding herself She left with a sour face.

She couldn’t say much, being a smali fry, but. Elgin wasn’t so easily fooled.

He tayed with the ring, “What’s this little play you two are putting on?

Chapter 109

‘Gin, were both just doing our jobs, for real.”


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