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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Mark was gushing over Shela’s hand, non-stop admiration, “How much is this worth… Not just valuable, but a token of Mr. Ramirez’s affection, a treasure that even Letitia doesn’t have!”

Those words gave her a bit of comfort, but she couldn’t help but think about Elgin’s attitude.

“Maybe Mr. Ramirez is dealing with some stuff, and in a bad mood,” Mark consoled her, “Don’t go getting mad over every little thing. Look, the situation is still swinging our way!”

“Pift, Dad, it’s been ages and we still haven’t managed to take care of Letitia’s kid, talk about a cat with nine lives!”

It’s like, time and time again, Letitia just waltzes through danger unscathed!

Just thinking about it gets her blood boiling!

“These things can’t be rushed. Mark replied, “I mean, I didn’t see it coming either. You went as far as dragging Letitia down with you, and yet her kid’s still kicking. She really does have dumb luck.”

Shela folded her arms, “Whatever, I won’t forgive her, not unless her kid is gone too. As long as I keep my lips zipped and play pity in front of Mr. Ramirez, I don’t believe Letitia can keep up her tough act forever!”

“Right, take it step by step. Anyway, she doesn’t know who the father of that child really is.”

Mark, while saying this, took off the ring, clearly besotted with it.

He’s never seen such a big diamond in his life, and now it belonged to his daughter!

“Shela, do you wear it every day?”

“Yeah, it’s a real head-turner, Shela said with pride plastered on her face, “Every time I lift my hand to flip my hair, it’s like a blinding light show for everyone else!”

*Maybe keep it on the down-low, it’s worth a fortune. You never know, robbers or thieves might…”

“I’m not scared, anyone who dares to steal from me is on a one-way street to their grave. Mr. Ramirez won’t let them off easy!”

Shela’s show-off nature, not wearing that ring? That would be worse than death for her.

Shela took the ring from Mark and slipped it back on, admiring it non-stop.

“How’s your injury? Mark asked, “Must’ve hurt, tumbling down the stairs like that”

“Hurts like I fell apart, my knee’s still bruised up.”

“Poor baby, my girl went through a lot.

Shela replied, “Just bummed I didn’t get what I wanted. Dad, tell me, if I, a normal person, can barely handle it, hurting for days, then how on earth could a pregnant woman just be okay?”

“Alright, alright, don’t get down in the dumps, go shopping, spend some money, just use Mr. Ramirez’s card. I’ll figure something out for the rest, don’t you fret, Shela”

Mark had to really sweet-talk and coax before Shela’s smile returned

Little did the father-daughter duo know their whole conversation was recorded

Every single word, clear as day

At the Jewelry Department of the Ramirez Group, Samson was discussing work matters with Letitia.

Letitia listened attentively, “Mr. Stewart, got it, I’m on board.”

“Yeah yeah, no rush, take it easy, you’re pregnant after all.”

Thanks for the concern, Mr. Stewart.”

Samson cracked a smile. “You being all formal with me, I’m not thrilled about that”

Letitia smiled back. Just then, she looked up and saw Vidonia walking in with a bouquet of sunflowers.

“Whoa. Vidonia got flowers?” Letitia teased, “I wonder who sent her those?”

While che spoke, she sneakily glanced at Samson’s expression.

Sure enough, Samson who was just cheerful a moment ago, had now cooled off a bit.

Letitia deliberately added, “Vidonia’s young, attractive, and successful, having admirers is only natural, right Mr. Stewart?”

Samson pursed his lips, and it took him a while to squeeze out, “With that lemper of hers, how many guys can put up with that?”

There who like her will put up with her.”


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