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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Neil’s entrance into her life was like this bouquet of flowers.

He was her ray of light, a savior in her darkest times.

In the evening, Letitia dragged her exhausted body back to Ivory Towers and after freshening up, as per usual, she popped on her headphones.

Shela’s voice came through.

She listened while doodling design drafts with a pencil on paper.

Until Mark’s voice emerged from the headphones, Letitia’s hand with the pencil froze in an instant.

She focused, afraid of missing a single word

The conversation wasn’t long, just half an hour. And it laid bare the whole thing it was a setup, a scheme orchestrated by her and her father Letitia was innocent from start to finish; they had conspired against her!

But more importantly, Letitia latched onto the two key sentences

“Take it step by step. Anyway, she doesn’t know who the father of that child really is.”

“Dad, tell me, if I, a normal person, can barely handle it, hurting for days, then how on earth could a pregnant woman just be okay?”

Yes, Letitia truly didn’t know who the father of the child was, only Mark and Shela knew for sure. But that second sentence, it threw Letitia for a loop

Why did Shela say she was a normal person?

And why mention that after tumbling down the stairs, she was just in pain for a few days, while Letitia, a pregnant woman, seemed


Something was off.

Letitia held her breath, her brain whirring at top speed.

Shela wasn’t a normal person, she was pregnant

Letitia was a pregnant woman, no doubt, and so was Shela

Mark’s main concern was entirely about Shela herself, not a word about the lost child…

Normal person, pregnant woman… Suddenly, it clicked for Letitia, she got it!

Shela was never pregnant! No pregnancy meant no miscarriage! That’s why Shela complained to Mark about the pain and bruises from the fall since those were her biggest injures

The miscarriage was a non-issue! She never even thought about the child or future fertility concerns!

A miscarriage can do a number on a woman’s body. Usually, women need to recover, even having a small confinement. Without proper care, it might become tough to get pregnant again.

But Shela didn’t give a damn!

“I got it, I got it…” Letitia stood up, pumped, “No pregnancy, no miscarriage, it’s all Shela’s ploy, her way to snag Elgin’s heart and hit me where it hurts!”

She yanked off her headphones and bolted out.

The chance to bring Shela down had finally come!

Shela had fabricated a pregnancy and a subsequent miscarriage; this was no trivial matter. It was beyond belief that Elgin would still keep her around! This was deception!

Elgin runs a financial empire, and he hates nothing more than deceit and betrayal!

Shela hit him right where it hurts!

Leuitas grip tightened, and she rushed towards the villa. Turned out, Elgin hadn’t returned.

She spun on her heel, heading out, when she bumped straight into someone’s arms.

A magnetic male voice floated down, “In such a hurry to fall into someone’s arms?”

“Elgin” Letitia looked up at him, her eyes sparkling, “You’re back! I was just looking for you!”

Talk about timing

was even about to drive to his office! She couldn’t wait another second to spill the beans!

Chapter 115

As he looked into her bright eyes, Elgin’s heart skipped a heat.

Letitia seldom had that look in front of him Expectant, hopeful, vibrant, and beautiful.


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