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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Her steps slowed to a halt, but she still couldn’t bring herself to face that person.

Walden Sullivan came up behind her, “When I first saw you, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, I couldn’t believe it was really you Lelitia

He saw Letitia picking up trash And she was good at it, like it wasn’t her first time doing it.

“Letitia. how did you end up like this? Walden asked, “What on earth have you been through these past years?”

That girl who once shined so bright, exuding charm and grace, the girl of his dreams.

Now, she was cloaked in exhaustion and the weight of the world.

“You’ve got the wrong person, Letitia said, her head down.

“No, it’s definitely you. I’d recognize you anywhere!”

She let out a mocking laugh and suddenly spun around, “Yes, I’m Letitia, your once fiancée, Mr. Sullivan! But now, we’re nothing to each other You go your way, and I’ll go mine!”

Back then, Walden and Letitia had been engaged.

But after the Sanders family’s catastrophe, the Sullivan family immediately broke off the engagement unilaterally and, to distance themselves, quickly whisked Walden off abroad.

During that time. Letitia went through hell. She was running between jail, the hospital, and the police station, desperately needing someone’s help.

That someone should have been Walden. But she couldn’t get through to him, couldn’t find him; the Sullivan family’s doors were shut tight, the security guards pushed her away, shooed her off… All of her former friends turned their

backs on her.

“It’s not like that, Letitia, hear me out, Walden reached for her shoulder, “Going abroad was my dad’s call. He said it was so I could cut my teeth, build a career, and then come back to marry you. I agreed to go abroad to give you a better life!” “So going abroad means you can’t pick up the phone? Vanish without a trace? Can’t even bother to say goodbye

“The situation at the time.

“Enough, Letitia cut him off, “I don’t want to hear it, it’s all in the past.”

Letitia had completely lost faith in Walden. She shook off his hand and turned to leave.


“Don’t follow me!” she yelled, “The last person I want to see right now is you!”

Walden stood there, stunned, watching her disappear from his sight.

“Mr. Sullivan, your appointment with Mr. Ramirez is coming up, his assistant reminded him.

“Okay. Do me a favor, find out what Letitia has been through these last two years.”

“Yes, Mr. Sullivan.”

Letitia arrived at the Ramirez Group, only to hear Ranen say, “Madam, you’re here, Mr. Ramirez has been looking for you!”

Til go in right away.”

in the CEO’s office. Elgin lounged in his chair, eyeing her up and down.

Letitia felt uncomfortable under his gaze, “Is there something you wanted…

Take aft your clothes.”

She was started, “Wha what?

Chapter 13

“Do I need to repeat myself? Or should I take them off for you?”

Uncertain of his intentions, Letitia bit her lip, unbuttoned her shirt, and slowly took it off.

“Turn around.”

She did as told. On her fair back, a long gruesome scar snaked from her shoulder to her waist.

Letitia shivered involuntarily, her skin breaking out in goosebumps

“Why endure such physical pain? Elgin approached, his calloused fingertips touching the wound, “Can’t you tell right from wrong, woman?”


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