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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Even Raizel was better than Shela, for crying out loud!

Was he blind or did someone put a hex on him?

“Letitia, you owe me an apology!” Shela demanded, “And bark like a dog three times!

Her response was adamant. “No way.

She might have been able to humble herself and issue an apology, but acting like a dog was a humiliation she could not


Shela immediately slung to Elgin’s arm, whining. Look, she won’t do it.

“Letitia, I’m giving you one more chance to answer

She looked up, meeting Elgin’s oppressive gaze, Not Gonna, Happen!”

His eyes darken instantly. Defying him? She’s really grown bold!

“Don’t ask for trouble. Elgin leaned in, pinching her chin, “What’s easier, barking like a dog or taking three lashes?”

“I’d rather take the lashes.”

He snorted coldly, “Fine! Bring the whip!”

The butler presented it with both hands, sighing internally

Letitia, though, managed a bitter smile, After all, I’m still your wife in name. Elgin, are you actually going to humiliate me for her?

“She’s the woman I’ve gone to great lengths to find, the future Mrs. Ramirez for life. Get it? His tone was icy, “You’re not even fit to be mentioned in the same breath as her.”

So, it turns out he was in love with Shela

It was a rude awakening, but what choice did she have other than to accept the harsh truth? Letitia closed her eyes. stayed silent, and just waited for the whip to come down.

No matter how painful, she would grit her teeth and take it.

Watching her pale but defiant face, Elgin gripped the whip tightly, his hand’s veins bulging as he raises it high. But the anticipated pain never landed

Letitia opened her eyes to see Elgin walking away.

“Whipping you would only dirty my hands, he dropped the whip. “Butler, do it for me!”

“Yes, Mr. Ramirez.

Shela was seething but seeing Elgin’s foul mood, she didn’t push it.

She did have some sense, after all.

“Mr. Ramirez, didn’t you say you’d marry me?” she asked with feigned hurt, “Why is Letitia your wife then?”

“She’s just a puppet.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Elgin was initated, but when he remembered that Shela was the woman from that night, he calmed down, “Marrying Letitia was just temporary. I hadn’t found you yet, and I needed someone to fill the position of Mrs. Ramirez, so I chose


Shela nodded, thinking, so that’s the deal. She had thought Eigin found out the truth.

Then she asked, “You’ll still keep your promise to marry me, right?”

“Yeah i sort everything out, then bring you into the family”

Chapter 12

“Can’t wait for the day!”

Shela could rest easy now

Meanwhile, Letitia eyed the thick whip, Sit just do it


“I know it’s hard for you too

The butler glanced toward the stairwell, making sure Elgin was far enough away, then with a heavy heart, he raised the whip and brought it down hard

The sound echoed through Ivory Towers.

Elgin dined on breakfast, not a flicker in his gaze.

Shela reveled in the sound, feeling utterly content


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