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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24

On the villa steps, Letitia couldn’t help but snort with laughter when she heard that.

Shela giving a heartfelt apology? There was no way she was sincerel

Besides, Elgin wouldn’t let Shela do such a thing. Shela was the woman he loved, so he would never make her do such


Sure enough, Elgin asked coolly “You really see what you did wrong?”

“Uh, I shouldn’t have stormed into the office and grabbed someone, that was wrong. Shela responded, “I… I just got

blinded by jealousy for a moment, I love you too much

We’re the match made in heaven, fate brought us together that night to be each other’s one and only. But, Letitia is your legit wife Mr Ramirez, it just breaks my heart

Just thinking about her being able to snuggle up in bed with you, share meals with you, I get so jealous I could go crazy. Clearly, she stole everything that was meant for me. So I just wanted to take it out on her… thankfully, you showed up in time!” Shela grabbed Elgins arm and gave it a gentle shake. Otherwise, I would’ve made a huge mistake. Mr. Ramirez, these are the reflections I’ve had today!”

Her words rang with sincerity. She was like a woman madly in love, unraveling due to her powerful emotions, her every

word etching the depth of her ardor for Elgin.

“I’ll apologize to Letitia, I promise I won’t bully her again, I’ll be good. Mr. Ramirez, can you please stop being mad at ΠΕ Shela pouted turning on the charm now.

Admitting her mistake, showing love, being cutesy… she had got it all down pat

Elgin, already feeling guilty towards her, saw her sincere attitude and decided to let it slide.

“Get up.” He reached out to help her up.

“Thank you, Mr. Ramirez!” Shela jumped up with joy, latching onto his arm.

“I won’t ever do anything to put you in a tough spot again. Shela said earnestly, “I’ll just wait patiently until you take me



“So, you forgive me, right?”

Elgin nodded.

“Yay!” Shela beamed, “I knew you were the best! Mr. Ramirez, I’ll go apologize to Letitia!”

Before Elgin could respond, she was already off and running.

Seeing her approach, Letitia instinctively stepped back to keep her distance, “What trick are you pulling this time?”

“I’m here to apologize.” Shela batted her eyelashes innocently, “Mr. Ramirez is watching”

“You’re really here to apologize to me?”

“Yeah, I’m standing right in front of you, aren’t I?”

Letitia eyed her warily.

Shela smiled, looking as harmless as they come, nothing like the fierce kick she delivered to Letitia’s stomach earlier.

“I’m sorry, Letitia Shela said, “I shouldn’t have been so aggressive today, my dad already gave me an earful, and Mr. Ramirez punished me. Next time. I won’t be so direct”

You really are…”

Shush, let me finish. I was too hasty, after all, you’re the Mrs. Ramirez in name only. Just you wait!”

Letitia stared at her, “Why are you targeting me? Elgin promised to marry you, to divorce me, what more do you want?”

hela mayed closer and as Letitia tried to back away she grabbed her, “Relax, with all these eyes on us, I won’t do any to you just want to share a litle secret

7skont want to hear it

Are you sure? Shela feigned tegnet with a sigh. Even the bastard in your belly…”

Letitas even widened as she covered her hand over Shela’s mouth! Surely enough. Shela knew about her pregnancy!

“Seared Shela asked “You don’t want this secret getting out, do you?”


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