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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25

“You’re paying for the sins of the Sanders family! Elgin’s velns were popping at his temples as he bellowed with rage.

And Shela in his arms, smug and taunting, flashed a victorious grin at her.

Letitia conceded, “Fine, if you think I pushed her, then yeah, I did it.”

She didn’t feel like explaining anymore

Elgin scooped up Shela and strode away. You better pray she’s okay! For every bone she breaks, I’ll break two of yours!” Letitia stood frozen, watching as Elgin gently placed Shela in the car and headed for the hospital.

In her heart, Elgin was the devil incamate But even devils have a soft spot, it’s just that she’d never get to see il Letitia looked down at the scratches on the back of her hand, her skin broken, blood seeping through.

The real culprit was Shela. Hiding behind an apology, she forced her to get an abortion!

That night, Letitia didn’t sleep, squatting by the door waiting for Elgin to come back

Hearing footsteps, she looked up. But Elgin passed by her with icy indifference, “Lucky you, Shela just got a scratch


Elgin was about to enter his room but then stopped and turned to her, “Letitia, being married to me and living in Ivory Towers is no different from being in a mental hospital. Get it?”

He said, “You are paying for your sin, just in a different place, with different methods.”

Letitia looked up at him, “Can I go back to the mental hospital then?”

Living with him proved to be more terrifying. She’d rather return to that eerie, empty cottage.

“After the divorce, if you want to go back, I’ll let you,” Elgin said, “But not now.”

Letitia felt a wave of despair.

“After being imprisoned two years, I married to you. Isn’t that enough atonement? When will you let me go?”

“Heh, you really think you’ll be free after we divorce?”

Letitia closed her eyes, “At least let me live a normal life!”

“In your dreams!” Elgin shattered all her fantasies.

“I haven’t decided yet how I’m going to torment you after the divorce, he sneered, “But remember, you’ll never escape my grasp!”

“Bang!” The door slammed shut, echoing loudly

Letitia slowly clenched the blanket, hugging her shoulders against the wall.

The only company she had now was the tiny life inside her.

“Baby, mommy won’t give up on you.”

The Ramirez Group.

Letitia arrived at her workstation on time.

“Yo, up bright and early today, Samson greeted her cheerfully, “That scented candle you gave me worked well, absolutely brilliant!”

She smiled politely.

She didn’t have to walk anymore, sharing a car with Elgin… it was suffocating, and she feared being seen by colleagues, so she got off early.

in ignored her, as if were thin air.

Chapter 25

“By the way, Letitia,” Samson added, “we’re getting a new boss today. She’s going to be the head of the Jewelry Department.”

“It’s a She?”

“Yes, and a looker. She’s super competent; it took some doing to bring her onboard”

At ten in the morning, the new head of the Jewelry Department showed up right on time.

“Hello, I’m Vidonia Bailey, I’ll be working with Mr. Stewart to manage the Jewelry Department. I hope to have your cooperation to grow and strengthen our new brand.”

The colleagues applauded warmly, welcoming her

Letitia’s eyelashes fluttered and she looked away. So it was Vidonia, her college roommate and friend.

They were once inseparable, no secrets, closer than sisters

Now, Vidonia’s reputation in the jewelry industry was on the rise, shining brightly, while Letitia remained in obscurity.

Those two years in the mental hospital were her best youth years, trampled by Elgin.

“Ms. Bailey, you’re a big deal in the jewelry world, Samson boasted, “I’m just like your assistant!”

“Exactly, Mr. Stewart, you have the money and the eye, just sit back and reap the rewards!”

You could tell they were on good terms, joking around easily.

“Come on, Ms. Bailey, let me introduce you to someone, Samson said. “Our chief designer, Letitia Sanders.”

Hearing her name, Vidonia’s expression changed, but she quickly put on her usual face, “Nice to meet you, Ms. Sanders.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Bailey.”

Vidonia stared at Letitia for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, “I have some ideas I’d like to discuss privately with Ms Sanders, if that’s alright?”

Before Letitia could speak, Samson nodded eagerly, “Of course! You two are my left and right hands; you need to develop a good rapport!”

Vidonia approached Letitia, “Come to my office.

Alright, Ms. Bailey.”


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