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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41

At the hospital, after getting her blood drawn, Letitia used the excuse of heading to the restroom to sneak off to the OB-GYN department. She got the doc to prescribe her a bunch of meds to prevent a miscarriage and crammed them

into her bag.

She was busting her butt, trying to stay alive, for herself and for her baby.

Just as Letitia left the OB-GYN, she bumped into Shela in the elevator,

“Done with the bloodwork?” Shela asked with a smirk, “You’re still standing tall, I see… Guess it means more of the

same tomorrow, huh?”

“In your dreams.” After seeing her mom, it was time to fight back. She couldn’t let Shela and her dad keep bleeding her dry, or the baby wouldn’t stand a chance!

Shela was brimming with confidence, “We’ll just see about that tomorrow.”

Letitia chuckled, “Sure, we’ll see.”

Stepping out of the elevator, her driver and bodyguard followed suit. They looked intimidating.

“Where do you think you’re off to? Shela asked, “And who are these guys tailing you?”

I’m Mrs. Ramirez I’m not some random chick like you.”

“Letitia!!” Shela shouted, fuming.

Letitia had already left.

Actually, these two were sent by Elgin to keep tabs on her, to monitor her bloodwork and her meeting with Malinda.

Shela watched Letitia’s retreating figure, “Heh, let’s see who will win in the end!”

She stealthily followed behind, sneaking around.

Letitia didn’t even know where her mother was. She watched the increasingly unfamiliar scenery pass by the car window, until they arrived at a posh private hospital in the suburbs. That’s when the driver finally said, “Ma’am, we’re


This was the ritzy hospital in AquaCity.

Elgin had actually transferred her mother to such a swanky place and was footing the bill for her treatment? Letitia found it hard to believe. Was he really being kind-hearted? But the evidence was right in front of her.

Guided by a staff member, Letitia arrived at the door of the hospital room.

“The patient has just regained consciousness, and her vital functions are still recovering. You can only see her for half

an hour.”


Letitia had barely pushed the door open when Shela emerged from the shadows.

The bodyguard blocked her way. “No entry for unrelated individuals.”

“Are you blind or something that you don’t recognize me?” Shela waved her hand dismissively, “Move aside, I want to see what kind of shady business Letitia is up to.”

The bodyguard inquired, “You are…?”

“Shela! The future Mrs. Ramirez!”

That name was too well-known in Ivory Towers for the bodyguard to mess with, so he silently stepped aside.

Shela tiptoed over and pressed her ear against the door, eavesdropping on the sounds inside.

in the ward, Letitia hurried over and grasped Malinda’s hand tightly, “Mom…”

pened her eyes and stared at her for a few seconds. “Is that you, Letitia?”

it’s me, mom, you’re finally awake.”

Malinda burst into tears, “Letitia, my poor girl… After such a disaster, what are you going to do? Has anyone been bullying you, they must have mistreated you…”

After the incident, Malinda had become a vegetable, only waking up today.


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