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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Letitia was on the verge of biting her lip till it bled, “Got it.”

“Get lost.”

She turned and walked out

Elgin always had a way of sparking a glimmer of hope in her before plunging her deeper into the pits of despair.

She lied to her mom, saying she was doing great, working at Walden’s company and a high-paying job, spinning a beautiful web of lies

Her mom had just woken up from a long coma and hadn’t recovered. Knowing the truth about her situation would probably break her heart.

Elgin had too much dirt on her, too many weak spots.

Back at her desk, Letitia stared at the design drafts, her mind a blank slate.

She whipped up all sorts of jewelry designs for “Ramirez Romantica,” from necklaces to rings to bracelets, all smooth sailing, with inspiration through the roof.

Except for Shela’s wedding ring…

“What’s with the daydreaming? Vidonia slapped her shoulder, “lacking ideas?”

She glanced at the sketches on Letitia’s desk, her brows furrowing, “What the heck is this? Tacky and common, not al hint of elegance. It looks like something a person of no class would show off. This isn’t your style, Letitia!”

“It’s for Shela. Letitia replied, “She’s into this style.”

“No wonder…” Vidonia rolled her eyes so hard they almost reached heaven, “Do you think Elgin’s got something wrong with his eyesight? All these rich, pretty, and famous girls throw themselves at him, and he goes for Shela? She probably had her whole face done.”

“Guess it’s fate.”

Just as Samson returned from meeting a client, Vidonia quickly called out to him, “Mr. Stewart, do you know which eye clinic in AquaCity is the most renowned?”

“What’s up? You got an eye problem?”

“It’s not me, it’s for Elgin!”

Samson spread his hands, “What’s his blindness got to do with me? By the way, Letitia, I showed your designs to an overseas client, and they were over the moon. Keep up the good work.”

Letitia nodded, “Sure thing, Mr. Stewart.”

“With this trend, our Ramirez Romantica’ is gonna blow ‘Sunbeam Gems’ from the Sullivan Group out of the water this year!” Samson boasted, “Just some juicy gossip for you, Walden’s been having a rough time lately!”

Letitia’s heart skipped a beat, “What happened?”

“His performance is down, shareholders are on his case, and the board has asked him to resign, saying he’s not up to scratch. Plus… Elgin has publicly stated he’s not fond about Walden and will compete with him to the end. Think about it no one would dare cross Elgin, and they all ditch Walden like a hot potato.”

These business types, always chasing gains and avoiding losses.

To suck up to Elgin, naturally, they’d kick Walden to the curb.

Elgin was clearly out to screw Walden over, and he didn’t even need to lift a finger – just a light-hearted comment was enough to send Walden into trouble

Lesbia didn’t even want to think about what would happen if Elgin took matters into his own hands… The whole Sullivan

Chapter 42

Samson added “Anyway the worse off Walden is, the better for us. Ouch! Vidonia, why are you pinching me?”

“Oops, my bad. Mr. Stewart you better get going!” Vidonia quickly ushered him out.

She knew about Walden and Letitia’s past relationship from college, and now…

Life is just full of unexpected twists

Letitia forced a smile. “I’m getting back to work. No worries, I’ve been through a lot, I’m strong now”

She had to be strong, because she didn’t have anyone to show her weakness to

“Okay.” Vidonia chimed in, “If you need anything, let me know, don’t face it yourself.”

She cast several womed glances at Letitial

Letitia had already picked up her pencil and started sketching furiously on paper.

Within half an hour, she had the finished design and texted it to Shela, [Is this big and flashy enough for you?]

Shela replied. [You’re sending me a sketch in black and white? Who do you think you’re fooling?]

Letitia sent her the colored version.

Shela complained. [The main diamond is too small, and there are too many tiny diamonds around it ]

Letitia said. [Ever heard of the moon among the stars’ design concept?]


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