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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Hawley took a couple of steps forward and reached out to grab it, “What’s this?”

The moment he saw it, he was over the moon, “Whoa! That’s the way to go, Letitia, you are pregnant!”

Elgin’s face darkened considerably.

Lost In his joy, Hawley was oblivious to the weird vibes and just kept yapping, “I just knew it, a woman doesn’t just throw up for no reason. I’m going to have great-grandson!”

He pressed his hands together, his face alight with excitement and gratitude.

“Letitia, even though you’re the enemy of our Ramirez clan, a sinner, this is your golden ticket to redemption. You better take good care of that kid, bring it into the world without a hitch!”

She didn’t know what to say just kept mum

“Did you hear me? Hawley’s face was stern as he said, “As long as you can keep the Ramirez legacy going, I might just consider.. setting Dr. Sanders free.”

Elgin snapped, “Grandpa, what are you talking about!”

“The Sanders family took a life from the Ramirez clan, it’s only right they pay one back! You can’t bring back the dead, so she’s gotta give birth! One, two, three, however many, as long as she can pop ’em out, the Ramirez clan can foot the


Hawley was all about keeping the bloodline going. Now that Elgin’s career is sky-high, he needs an heir to carry on the Ramirez empire.

Letitia asked, “So, if I have Elgin’s child, my father will be released?”

“Yes, Hawley nodded, “My word is bond. In this house, I still call the shots!”

At that moment, Letitia wished so bad that the baby was Elgin’s. That way, her father could walk free, and the baby would be born with a silver spoon in its mouth, set for life.

But sadly… it wasn’t to be.

“I get it,” Letitia’s eyelashes fluttered, “I… I’ll do my best not to let you down.”

“What’s this ‘do my best’ nonsense, it’s a must, a must! Butler!”

“At your service, Mr. Hawley.”

“Make sure Letitia gets all the right nutrition during her pregnancy. If there’s any screw up, I’ll be holding you


“Yes sir, the butler replied.

After more nagging, Hawley finally left, content. As soon as he was gone, Ivory Towers fell into a silence as deep as the grave. Elgin’s eyes were even darker than the night.

He stood face to face with Letitia, with no one else around.

“Why didn’t you tell grandpa that the baby isn’t yours?” Letitia asked, “You had the chance just now.”

“In front of all those people, I’m supposed to announce that you’ve cheated on me?”

Proud and noble Elgin, how could he allow himself to be humiliated, to lose face!

“But now…”

“The baby, it’s gotta go!”

Letitia suddenly dropped to her knees before him. This was the first time she ever knelt down willingly, her voice low, begging him-

Elgin, please, spare this child. I just want him to come into this world safely. I’ll take him far away from you, it won’t be a

Chapter 47

bother. Besides, we’re getting divorced in two months. If… you can’t explain to your grandpa, after this child is born, I dan bare another child for you! Please, this child means everything to me.”

Elgin looked down at her.

She knelt straight, but he was unmoved, his face the epitome of indifference.


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