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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48

“Me, like her? As if!” Samson waved dismissively. “You gotta be joking me!”

Just as he spoke, Vidonia pushed the door open, “What joke?”

Hearing it, Samson’s voice vanished into thin air.

“Who are you gossiping about? Vidonia asked with a curious look on her face. “You’re not keeping secrets and juicy gossip from me, are you?”

Letitia struggled to hold back a giggle.

“No, no, no,” Samson gestured with his hands. “Our Designer Sanders here thought she got overpaid and came to check

with me about it.”

“Oh, right, Letitia, you’ve got to treat us now that you’ve got your paycheck!”

Letitia nodded her head, “Sure, I’ll treat. What do you guys want for lunch? It’s on me.”

Samson was her career’s lucky star, and Vidonia was her best friend. Without their help and support, she wouldn’t have been able to do the job she was good at and loved.

“I guess it’s only fair to have you spoiling me with a lavish meal then,” Vidonia said, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “I want steak! The kind that costs top dollar per person at those swanky places!”

Letitia agreed to it.

However, Vidonia was just teasing. After enjoying their high-end steak meal, when Letitia went to settle the bill, she found out it had already been paid.

That’s what true friends are like. Letitia felt a warm glow in her heart.

After lunch, she went back to the company and headed for the CEO’s office.

“Ranen,” she asked, “is Mr. Ramirez in?”

“Mr. Ramirez should be napping around this time, ma’am. Would you like to go in?”

“I wouldn’t want to disturb him.

“I’m just guessing though, Ranen added, “Mr. Ramirez’s sleep hasn’t been great. If it’s urgent, you can go in.”

After a moment’s thought, Letitia gently pushed the door open and walked in.

Elgin was sitting on the couch, head back, eyes closed, resting. Beside him lay a scented candle.

Letitia tiptoed over, picked up a blanket, and draped it over him.

When she looked up, she caught his deep gaze.

“You… you’re awake, Letitia said, startled, quickly withdrawing her hand.

Elgin gave her a cold look and tossed the blanket aside, “Letitia, you’ve hated me for so long, no need for this fake. concern!”

“I’m not here out of concern, Letitia retorted. “I just don’t want you to catch a cold. Sick people are even moodier, and I’d suffer too.”

“What are you doing here? Who let you in?” He frowned in displeasure. “Ranen!”

came in by myself!” Letitia hurriedly explained. She didn’t want to get Ranen into trouble.

Elgin’s gaze remained fixed on her.

“I’m here to pay you back, Letitia said “I borrowed twenty thousand from you before, and I said I’d pay it back

He squinted at her, “Where did you get twenty thousand from?”

Just ten for now. I got my paycheck today. I’ll pay you the rest next month.”

Chaple 48

Either pay it all at once or don’t bother paying at all.”

Letitia bit her lip, then replied. “Then I can only pay you next month.

“Get out.” Elgin said pressing his temple. “Next time you disturb my nap, I’ll throw you out myself!”

Letitia immediately headed for the door. Before she left, she glanced at the couch. The scented candle was nearly

burned out

Clearly, Elgin used it often.

Letitia decided to make him a new one. She went to buy the necessary materials and, with a brand-new scented candle in hand, retumed to the CEO’s office.


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