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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73

“Check again, Elgin demanded, “Be stealthy about it and don’t blow your cover.”

With his orders given, Ranen was quick to respond, “Got it, I’m on it right away.”

Elgin waved his hand dismissively and leaned back in his chair, eyes closed, refueling himself.

Suddenly, the phone on the desk started ringing.

He picked up the receiver “What’s up?”

“Mr. Ramirez, Walden from the Sullivan Group is here to see you, he’s at the front desk right now.”


“Send him in.”

‘OK, Mr. Ramirez”

Five minutes later, Walden came in.

Dressed in casual sportswear, hands pocketed, Walden looked as chill as a cucumber. He looked like someone who had nothing to do with a loser whose company had been taken over

Elgin sneered, “You’re a complete loser but still manage to look so nonchalant.”

“From a business standpoint, I lost to you, got the boot from the board, and was kicked out of the company. Now, I’ve got no choice but to head abroad for evasion, and take this opportunity to do something I’m interested in

Elgin shot back, “And from what angle did you beat me?”


Elgin twitched his mouth with more coldness

“You’ll never have Letitia, Walden said, “She won’t be yours because you’ve never truly respected her from the beginning”

Elgin slammed his palm down on the table, ‘She’s my wife!

“The man who has her doesn’t have her heart. Besides. Elgin, it’s first come, first served. I knew Letitia way before she had anything to do with you

“Walden, she’s my wife now, and you have nothing to do with her!”

Walden chuckled, I can win her heart back

“You wish, Elgin glanced at the clock, “In two hours, you’ll be on a plane out of here.”

A guy leaving AquaCity still has the nerve to say he’ll win Letitia back? What a joke!

“Hmm, the day I come back to the country… Walden said, “will be the day I win her back.”

He was off to uncover the truth about Marcel’s death and meet the Ramirez family’s younger son.

The day the truth came out would be the day Letitia’s free.

As for Walden, this is far more important than sticking around at the Sullivan Group and taking over the family business

The last time his father sent him abroad, he let Letitia down and wasn’t there for her.

This time… he was going to make it right!

Elgin was radiating a fierce vibe, “Letitia’s mine, alive or dead”

“I bet you have the means to make her stay with you for life, Walden said, “But Elgin, if you really want to keep someone, you can’t just rely on tricks but your heart.”

“Get lost!”

Walden smiled faintly, stood up, and left

As Walden closed the door, he heard the sound of things being thrown inside.

Elgin was furious, sweeping everything off the desk onto the floor.


Well, Walden had a sincere heart!

But Latitis wasn’t worthy of Elgin’s heart!

Che was the enemy’s daughter, carrying another man’s child!


He’d abort that child when the time was right!

Even if Letitia wanted to die then, he’d snatch her back from the death himself.


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