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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74

The driver asked, “Mr. Ramirez, are you heading back to Ivory Towers?”

Nah, Elgin answered, “Take me to Breazy Bay Condos.”

The driver took a few seconds to respond, “Alright”

Mr. Ramirez hardly ever popped over to Breezy Bay Condos, so what’s got into him today to drop by all of a sudden?

But the driver was in no position to pry.

Sitting in the backseat, Elgin was resting with his eyes closed

Times without Letitia…. were honestly boring.

It was as if her presence had become a habit for him. And habits are the scariest and toughest things to shake off.

That’s why Elgin was off to Breezy Bay Condos. After all, Shela was the woman he was supposed to marry, so what was Letitia to him? Nothing at all!

In front of the condo.

Shela flung open the door. Seeing Elgin standing there, she squealed with delight, “Mr. Ramirez! You finally come here!”


She clung to him affectionately in an instant. “You haven’t dropped by for ages. It’s always me chasing after you, and then you act all frosty…”

Elgin was expressionless.

Shela went on to pour water and massage his shoulders, “Mr. Ramirez, why don’t you stay tonight?”

He shot back, “You want me to stay?”

“Of course, I do!” Shela was filled with excitement, “You bought me this big house and I’ve been here alone, scared out of my wits.”

After that, she snuggled into Elgin’s chest

Playing the sweet damsel does charm the men.

For Elgin’s rare visit, Shela was determined to try all the means to make him stay!

She couldn’t let Letitia occupy Mr. Ramirez and get cockier by the day!

Tonight she had to seize the opportunity!

“Stay with me, Mr. Ramirez, Shela urged with vigor, “You’re always with Letitia, which makes me so sad. And you’ve never spent the night

here before.

“Hmm, Elgin finally nodded.

She was over the moon, leaning in to plant a kiss on Elgin.

But he dodged it.

“Mr. Ramirez, Shela pouted, “Are you that averse to getting close to me?”

He wouldn’t even kiss her, let alone hop into bed.

She had been longing to have a baby with Mr. Ramirez to stabilize her status

After all, she wasn’t the woman from that night!

Elgin stood up, walking over to the floor-to-ceiling windows. He gazed out at the river view

“Shela,” he said coolly, “What do you remember about that night?”

For some reason, Elgin couldn’t get Letitia out of his head.

She was just off to a celebration for the Jewelry Department and would return this evening

Besides, he thought Shela was a far cry from the woman that night.

The weight on his chest was making him increasingly irritable.

“Ah, ), I…” Shela tensed up the moment Elgin brought up that night, “I remember a bit… a little bit…”

“What do you remember?” Elgin asked.

Just, just um, uh…” Shela was stammering. She didn’t know anything. Could she make it up now?


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