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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Soon after, Shela snapped back to reality giggling behind her hand like she was in quite the act. “Oops, you caught me in the act. I’m feeling embarrassed.”

Letitia stood there like a statue, at a loss for words about the situation.

Elgin had a thing for Shela, which was no news to her. What else could one expect to happen when a man and a woman were together? Nothing but a roll in the hay.

But Letitia remembered Elgin saying he wouldn’t have sex with Shela until he was divorced. He had made it crystal clear. Why the sudden change of heart?

Letitia felt a sharp pain in her chest, struggling to breathe. She had no right and was in no place to care about this.

After all, Elgin never loved her. Her title as Mrs. Ramirez was nothing but a sham! Why should she be so upset? It didn’t make any sense!

Despite her best efforts to keep a poker face, her pale complexion gave away her inner turmoil.

Shela couldn’t be more smug. “Could you step out for a moment? I need to slip into something more decent. I’m not presentable like this. Mr. Ramirez is pooped, and let’s not wake him. We can talk outside if you’ve got something to say.”

“You guys…”

“It’s what it looks like, Shela said, her cheeks flushed, “Mr. Ramirez is so wild in bed.

Letitia took a deep breath.

Elgin had called her here to witness this scene. Was this his twisted way of humiliating her, getting under her skin?

Well, she wasn’t about to let people walk all over her!

Just as Shela was about to get out of bed, Letitia charged forward and yanked the covers off.

Elgin was only in his boxers, and Shela was stark naked.

“Ah!” Shela screamed, “Letitia, what the hell are you doing?”

Letitia couldn’t care less about Shela. Her goal was to wake Elgin up!

With such a commotion, of course, Elgin stirred awake. His eyes snapped open, bloodshot from sleep.

“Letitia?” He seemed disoriented for a moment as he saw the woman before him

“It’s me.” She gave a wry smile. “You texted me to come over, so here I am. And as you wished, I saw you and Shela making out. Mr. Ramirez, is there anything else you’re not satisfied with?”

Did she say she had seen him and Shela making out? Elgin sat up, realizing something was off. Where were his clothes?

Next to him, Shela was covering herself up, her neck marked with bruises.

Even a fool could guess what had happened.

Seeing Elgin’s confused look, Shela quickly took the offensive. “Mr. Ramirez, we were soundly asleep until Letitia barged in and pulled the covers off us. What’s this all about?”

“What’s this about?” Elgin’s face turned to ice. “I’m asking you what the hell is all this!”

He remembered asking her to leave him alone, wanting a rest in bed, and waiting for Letitia to show up.

And what now? Where were his clothes?

Shela pouted, playing the victim. You were drunk, Mr. Ramirez. While I was looking after you, you suddenly grabbed my hand and wouldn’t let go, and then…well…”

Eigin massaged his temples. He was drunk, with no recollection, but everything in the room screamed about what had happened before!

“Huh, Letitia scoffed sarcastically. “Elgin, is that the ‘I’m innocent’ face? Wasn’t this exactly what you had in mind by calling me


She had always despised Shela for being the other woman and even flaunted her Mrs. Ramirez status to throw her weight around Elgin must feel sorry for Shela, wanting to back Shela up with actions. Was that so?

Son’s frown deepened.

What was done was done. Even if he couldn’t remember, it wouldn’t change the facts.


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