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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Elgin stowed his phone away, but his brows remained furrowed, never smoothing out.

Shela went all out to create a romantic vibe, setting up a candlelit dinner.

With the riverscape outside and a romantic candlelit dinner inside, he also had red wine and a hot girl at his service.

Shela slipped into a silk spaghetti strap dress, the neckline plunging to her chest, revealing more than little skin.

She had spritzed on some perfume and curled her hair. She was dead set on luring Elgin into her bed tonight! No more dilly-dallying!

“Mr. Ramirez, let’s toast, Shela said, thoughtfully pouring him some red wine. “This is our first dinner together, you know”

Elgin clinked glasses with her, sipping the wine thoughtfully.

He kept quiet. Whatever Shela said, he just hummed in response and took another drink.

Shela moved closer, sitting beside him. “Mr Ramirez, let’s enjoy tonight together”

Her shoulder strap slid down, and she thought no man could resist this temptation. But Elgin didn’t even spare her an extra glance.

Shela, not easily discouraged, pressed herself against Elgin again. “Mr. Ramirez, we’re almost through this bottle of wine.”

“Pop open another,” said Elgin

“You want more? You’ll get drunk, replied Shela

“I’ll crash here if I get drunk.” Elgin played with his wine glass. “Not going back.”

Shela’s face lit up. “Okay!”

She eagerly refilled his glass, and two bottles of wine were empty before they knew it.

The wine had quite a kick.

They didn’t feel it at first, but in less than half an hour, the drunkenness started to kick in.

“Mr. Ramirez, let me help you to your room, Shela stood up. “You need a good rest.”

With her help, Elgin lay on the bed, and his deep-set eyes were half-closed.

He was indeed a dreamboat!

He was so handsome that Shela was almost entranced.

“What a hot and loaded guy,” she thought, swearing to seize this now-or-never chance!

“Mr. Ramirez, let me get you into your pajamas,” Shela said, ‘Come on Let me unbutton you…”

Her hand touched Elgin’s Adam’s apple. As she reached the second button, Elgin suddenly brushed her off. “Fuck off.”

Shela was shocked ‘Mr. Ramirez”

“Get out.” He pressed his brow, muttering, “Leave me…. alone…”

Shela was persistent. Ill stay and keep you company”

Elgin just waved her off and closed his eyes to rest

“No worries. As long as Mr. Ramirez is here, I still have a shot. No rush for now!” Shela thought in her heart.

After a moment, Shela left the room. She still had one last ace that she hadn’t played!

Her father had given it to her, which would make a man thirsty and hot all over, perfect for spicing things up with Mr. Ramirez.

Shela rummaged through her stuff and found it a candle with a seductive, desire-stirring scent.

She caressed it gently, smiling. “Tonight’s the night.”

In the bedroom, Elgin groped for his phone, pausing on the screen for quite a while.

Finally, he found Letitia’s name and sent a voice message to her.

[After the celebration, come to Breezy Bay Condos.)

After sending it, he tossed the phone aside, the drunkenness taking over even more.

Letitia wouldn’t dare ignore him, and she would come. Once she did, she could take him home.

That was Elgin’s last thought before falling into a drunken slumber


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