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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Letitia swung the car door open. “Elgin, I know who’s good to me, and I’m sure you ain’t on that list!”

After stepping out, she deliberately slammed the door with a bang.

Like Elgin’s the only one with a temper? What about her?

And at least, she didn’t have to pick up trash or walk to work anymore.

She’s Letitia, top of her class, skilled as all get-out. If it hadn’t been for Elgin meddling, she’d have been killing it in her own field by


So, Letitia stopped a cab and said, “Could you catch up to that Rolls Royce up ahead?”

“You got it. Hold on tight!”

Cabbies are the ultimate city slickers, masters of the roads. A few slick moves and sharp turns, and in less than ten minutes, the taxi was cruising alongside the Rolls Royce.

“How’s that for a ride, kiddo?” The driver was puffing his chest with pride. “Doesn’t matter how pricey the car is, it’s all about driving it like a pro!”

Letitia rolled down the window, looked at the Rolls Royce next to her, and gave the finger.

Inside, Elgin’s eyes narrowed. Just as he rolled down his window, the cab moved, zipping through traffic and vanishing from sight.

Elgin’s face turned dark. Well, well, Letitia’s really stepping up her game, daring to provoke him!

Back at the office, walking into the Jewelry Department, Letitia saw her co-workers buzzing around Vidonia, gossiping –

“Dang, that’s blingy.”

“It looked tacky on paper, but the real deal screams money, honey.”

‘I could cry a river, won’t make enough in a lifetime for that ring.

“Mrs. Ramirez is one lucky lady.”

Vidonia, unimpressed, chimed in, “How’s that pretty? Looks like something a nouveau riche would flaunt.”

“Is the wedding ring done?” Letitia chimed in, “Let me have a look.”

“Not yet, it’s still in France. I just got some photos. But if all goes well, we’ll have the actual piece by early next month.”

Letitia flipped through the pics, chuckled, and kept her thoughts to herself.

“I gotta write the blurb for this wedding ring,” Vidonia grumbled, raking her fingers through her hair. “It’s nearly taking the life out

of me!”

Knowing full well the ring was meant for Shela, Vidonia gave Samson a hard time!

“Just approach it like any other job and keep your cool,” Letitia comforted her, “Can’t wait to get out of this chaos and let those lovebirds say their vows.”

“Lovebirds? More like a bitch couple! Vidonia retorted.

Vidonia’s mouth had no filter, she spoke her mind with zero sugar-coating.

Letitia covered her mouth, “Shh, watch your words.

“I ain’t wrong, though. Elgin’s really got a knack for being a pain, making you design the ring, me promote it, and Shela reap the rewards… Why should she?”

“Forget it, I don’t care about that stuff,” Letitia shrugged. “But there’s something I wanted to ask you about.”

“Go ahead.”

“My mom’s emerald bracelet broke, and I’ve tried everything, but I can’t fix it…

Carefully, Letitia took out the silk-wrapped emerald bracelet from her bag.


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