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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

In a flash, everyone’s faces in the room changed.

“Elgin, you’re the ultimate disappointment!” Hawley was shaking with anger, “Her father killed your dad, and you, you


Phedra quickly tried to calm things down. “Hawley, cool your jets. Take care. Gosh. I spilled the beans to you right after | heard about it to brainstorm what to do about this mess.”

“Divorce! It’s gotta happen ASAP!

“Elgin, don’t get me wrong. Phedra said with mock sincerity, “you getting hitched is a big deal, but you didn’t even tell us. How could you bring the enemy’s daughter into the family?”

Elgin had cut off Phedra’s three years’ worth of living expenses. How could she swallow that pill?

Since she couldn’t get to Elgin, she took it out on Letitia by hiring a gumshoe to dig up dirt.

Unexpectedly, they had dug up a bombshell about Letitia’s secret identity!

Without hesitation, Phedra ratted out to Hawley, piling on the pressure on Elgin.

She wanted to lay it on thicker, but Elgin’s fierce glare shut her up, though her face screamed ‘not fair’.

“Yep. She’s Dr. Sanders’ daughter,” Elgin replied, “But how can we punish the next generation for the sins of their forebears?”

Letitia gave him a surprised look. This guy was such a smooth talker, but he had got a bone to pick with her!

Hawley banged his cane hard. “You must be out of your mind! Elgin, don’t forget you’re engaged, and it was your dad’s arrangement!”

“I’ll only marry the one I like.”

“You… Hawley clutched his heart, nearly gasping for air.

Letitia stood by Elgin from start to finish. She was nothing but a prop who could not speak unless Elgin signaled her to.

She was also clueless about why Elgin wanted to marry her. That was what Letitia thought, and before she knew it, she had blurted out, “Why don’t you marry Raizel?”

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she regretted it.

Wasn’t this asking for trouble?

“Did you suddenly go deaf? I said, I’ll marry who I like.”

“Oh, you… you like me?” Could she take it that way? After tormenting her for two years, did he have feelings for her? Elgin’s lips curled coldly. “Letitia, you think too highly of yourself!”

“I’m afraid you’ll fall for me.” Letitia looked down, fiddling with her fingers. “Two people might fall for each other after spending much time together…”

“Huh, Elgin lifted his chin. “You think I’d want you? Dream on!” Even if she were the last woman on Earth and stripped down before him, he wouldn’t give her a second glance!

Letitia’s head dropped even lower. She seemed to be dying of shame, but a sly twinkle flashed in her eyes.

Letitia had deliberately provoked Elgin to ensure he wouldn’t want to touch her in the future!

She would be safe that way.

Going head-to-head with Elgin meant certain doom, and she had to play it smart.

“Grandpa Elgin’s voice was low and forceful Tcan handle my business, and you just enjoy your golden years. Be it the. Ramirez family or the Ramirez Group, they’ll thave in my hands”

“So you’re paying you won’t divorce?”


“Whether I divorce or not, I call the shots!”

“You are the Siren!” Seeing Elgin’s resolve, Hawley took out his frustration on Letitia. “You killed my son, and now you’ve cast a spell on my grandson. What debt did the Ramirez family owe you in a past life!”

Phedra fanned the flames. “Hawley, take it easy. Let’s talk it out. No need to get physical…”

“I’ll kill this seductress’ Hawley raised his cane, swinging at Letitial

If that hit, she’d be bruised for days. Quick as a flash, Letitia screamed and ducked behind Elgin. “Ah! Honey, save mel

Elgin was at a loss for words, thinking she was a good actress.


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