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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Where did you find her?”

“Mr. Ramirez, here’s the whole thing. This old goat got a crush on Ms. Ward at a dinner party and insisted she spend the night with him, or he’d make the director’s life a living hell. His underling replied, “The director, left no choice, sent Ms. Ward over with a heavy heart. But Ms. Ward, defiant unto death, ran away and accidentally busted into your room in the


Elgin narrowed his eyes slightly and stepped inside.

At that moment the old guy on the floor blustered, Who the fuck are you? How dare you tie me up! Don’t you know who I am?

“Oh?” Elgin raised an eyebrow. “And who might you be?”

“Ever heard of the Ramirez family? The top dogs in AquaCity!”


The old guy puffed up with pride. I’m a cousin of the Ramirez family. Scared now, huh? Let me go!”

“Is that so? Elgin kicked him casually with his dress shoe. “I’m the CEO of the Ramirez Group. How come you’re news to me?

The old guys eyes bulged, disbelief etched on his face.

“How dare you swagger around with the Ramirez name like you own the place? You’re digging your grave!” With that, Elgin kicked hard, sending the old guy flying into the wall before he crumpled down, coughing up blood.

He elegantly retracted his foot and asked slowly, “Your name’s Shela Ward?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Shela was overwhelmed by his powerful presence, asking with awe and adoration, Mr. Ramirez, were you looking for me?”

A guy like this was like finding a needle in a haystack! She had to figure out a way to latch onto him!

Elgin nodded slightly. “Yeah I’ve been looking for you since that night.”

Shela looked confused for a moment. How come a man of his wealth and power was looking for her?

She had only seen Mr. Ramirez in the news and newspapers, never in person!

Noting Shela’s puzzled expression, Elgin asked, “Don’t remember?”

“Of course she does! Shela hadn’t even spoken when Mark beside her cut in, “Mr. Ramirez, my daughter’s just overwhelmed. She never imagined you’d come looking for her!”

Shela tugged at his sleeve. “Dad, what…”

“Cut the act, Mark shouted, “I know you ran that night, ended up with some stranger, and lost your virginity. You were too scared to speak up. But now, Mr. Ramirez is here to take responsibility for you!”

Mark was no fool. He had pieced together the gist of the situation! Moreover, he hadn’t sent his daughter Shela that night. It was Letitia!

Letitia had run, not letting the old guy get his way, but when she returned the next day, she bore the marks of a man. After putting two and two together, Mark realized Letitia had been with Mr. Ramirez!

Shela was quick on the uptake, catching her father’s eye signals, and played along. “Yeah, it’s so shameful… so I left without a word.”

I said I’d marry you.”

Shela’s eyes lit up. Staying by Elgin’s side was a dream come true.

Was be going to marry her? That was like winning the lottery! If she could marry into the Ramirez family, she wouldn’t have to be an influencer making videos again. She’d become a top-tier trophy wife. living the high life every day

thought you were just talking off the top of your head, Shela started to spin her tale, “After all, even my dad could send me to that old man’s bed. Who can I trust…”

As she spoke she squeezed out a couple of tears, sobbing.

Mark joined in the pity party Shela. I had no choice. Knowing you had escaped was the best news. I thought I had to protect you no matter what i cant let you get bullied!”

The father-daughter act was pitch-perfect.


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