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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Tm no match for Elgin, but I can take care of others for you,” Vidonia whispered, “Don’t get worked up over someone like Odetta, it’s not worth it, especially since you’re pregnant


Little did they know, this whole scene was caught on the surveillance camera overhead.

Elgin watched the entire thing.

When he wasn’t around, Letitia’s smile was wider than usual. Her eyes were bright and lively; they curved like crescent moons when she genuinely laughed, just like when he first met her.

When she was up to something, her eyes darted around, and her face was an open book of little expressions

But what about the Letitia in front of him? Lifeless, eyes downcast, she looked like a tame little kitten But the moment she was rubbed the wrong way, out came those sharp claws, ready to scratch a mark

Elgin thought, he had turned her into this Maybe, with time, Letitia would lose her spark and her dreams completely.

“Mr. Ramirez? Mr. Ramirez?” Ranen called out a few times, “What are you thinking about?”

He lazily lifted his eyes, “How do you preserve a woman’s childlike innocence?”

Huh? That question was out of his league again.

Ranen thought, why has Mr Ramirez been asking questions about women lately?

He’s as clueless as they come when it comes to romance. If it was about work, Ranen could answer fast, professional and correct. Does he now need to hit the books on love psychology?

“Cat got your tongue? Elgin leaned back into his chair.

“Well, Mr. Ramirez. I think Ranen scratched his head, racking his brain, “with love, right? Love should do the trick.”


“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve heard the ultimate way to love a woman is to pamper her like you would a daughter. With that kind of pampering and indulgence, she’s bound to keep her innocence”

“Daughter?” Elgin slowly said. He couldn’t help but imagine, if he had a daughter, he would indeed treat her like a princess, give her everything, make her the happiest little girl in the world.

The Ramirez family, three generations of boys. If a girl came along, she would definitely be spoiled rotten.

He wondered whether Shela was carrying a boy or a girl. And Letitia’s… Elgin’s expression turned cold, that wasn’t his child, none of his


“How’s the prenatal checkup going at the hospital?” he asked, “When is the expert arriving at AquaCity?”

“They’ll be here this week, I’ve been keeping tabs.”

Elgin waved his hand dismissingly and picked up his phone.

Shela constantly sent a stream of messages, updating Elgin incessantly about her activities, which he found rather bothersome.

If it weren’t for that one night, if it weren’t for the baby, Elgin would never have chosen Shela.


As evening fell and night descended, the servants at Ivory Towers kept their grievances to themselves, because Ms. Ward was just too high-maintenance.

Always nitpicking, and if things weren’t done her way, she would scream and shout

Compared to her, Mrs. Ramirez was truly gentle and quiet, cultured and sensible!

The butler had no choice but to patiently serve her.

“I know everyone’s fed up, just bear with it, she’s just trying to flaunt her newfound status and power,” the butler consoled the servants, “Don’t take it to heart, just keep working.

In the living room, Shela sat on the couch, scolding a servant, “Can’t you do anything right? Look at this mess!”

Tre sorry Ms. Ward”


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