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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95

1 went already, what are you gonna do about it? You think you can touch me now?

Shela started to taunt her on purpose, trying to get Letitia’s blood boiling.

Looking at Shela’s utterly nauseating smirk, Letitia really wanted to slap her face twice over, but she held herself back.

All she could do was grab Shela by the collar and war her, “Listen up, you mess with my parents, you cross the line. If you dare lay a finger on them again. I swear on my life, I will make you pay, whatever the cost!”

The look in Letitia’s eyes was fierce.

She rarely showed such a vicious expression, but Shela really got under her skin

The time Letitia’s dad got scalded, she’s been kicking herself for not protecting him better. She couldn’t let that kind of tragedy happen

a second time!

‘Let go of me. Shela stammered, taken aback by Letitia’s intense reaction, “I didn’t do anything to your mom”

“There’s no way you went to see her for no reason!”

Shela fumbled with Letitia’s grip. “Let go, I can barely breathe”

Letitia glared at her with a ferocity and finally yanked her hand back hard

“With your lack of femininity and your hardened extenor, sneered Susan, “there’s no chance in hell that Mr. Ramirez would be fond of you. You’re just too prickly

“To hell with his fondness, came the quick retort

“Hmph, but deep down you’re better at seducing men than anyone.”

Shela straightened her collar seeing that things were unfolding just as she had hoped, and began to relax.

“Really, I only chatted with your mom, Shela grinned, ‘She’s all concerned about you, asking about your life, your love life. So, I just spilled the beans.”

Letitia’s eyes widened, “What?”

“You heard me. I just told it like it is. Didn’t sugar-coat or rile her up one bit. Whatever your life’s like, I laid it out straight, not a word of a lie.

Letitia clenched her teeth hard.

She’d been working so hard to keep her mom in the dark, so she could rest easy and heal without worry… And now? Shela had wrecked

it all!

No wonder her mom hadn’t called lately, or tried to reach out. Her mom knew the truth.

The people in the world who cared about her most were her parents

Knowing she’s been living such a tough life, depending on others, her mom must be so heartbroken, having countless nightmares, shedding so many tears for her.

“So what’s there to blame me for?” Shela chuckled, “Is honesty a crime now?”

“Shela, you’re downright evil!”

Letitia’s fists clenched so tight her nails dug into her flesh.

“What on earth did I do to you? Letitia stared at her, “Shela, from the get-go you’ve hated me, setting me up. When I was in the asylum, we had no beef! I barely even saw you!”

“Want to know why?”


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Shela replied, “Abort the baby, and I’ll tell you.”

Perplexed, Letitia asked, “Could it be the baby’s father has a score to settle with you?”

“I’m not telling unless you give up that kid!”

Lentia’s hand instinctively covered her belly. Everyone wanted this child dead, except for her

Because she was the mother

Shale slowly approached her with a sinister and venomous grin, ‘Letitia, haven’t you noticed? All your misfortunes started when you go! pregnant. That child is a curse, a burden. Get rid of him, and I promise you’ll live a much happier life!”



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