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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Elgin gave the order himself – no one’s allowed to save her kid. Who’d dare cross him?

“Doctor, doctor,” she sobbed quietly, “what should I do, I really can’t lose my baby…”

She thought, what if one day in the future, the kid’s dad shows up, how’s she gonna explain this mess? Is she really such a loser?

“Sorry, I…I can’t go against Mr. Ramirez’s wishes either,” the doctor answered, “otherwise, he would kill me. And he’s your husband…

Husband… pfft. Who would’ve thunk it, the title of husband gives Elgin the power to play God with her child’s life.

“I’m getting the surgery, I’m saving my baby, my husband’s words don’t mean anything!” Letitia clenched her teeth, “I’ve got a say in this


“About the surgery costs…”

He didn’t even have to finish that sentence to throw a bucket of cold water on Letitia.

Chilled to the bone. Money, she’s got no money right now.

But why does money have to be so darn important at a time like this? Does she really have to stand by, watch her child’s life signs fade away bit by bit, leaving her body?

No, no, there’s got to be another way, there’s always a way.

Letitia turned her head, looking toward the OR door

Elgin had long gone, he wouldn’t come back, because he couldn’t care less to give her a glance.

He must be with Shela, guarding her, patiently soothing her.

The difference between people, man, it’s so glaringly obvious at a moment like this.

Letitia took a deep breath, staring at the bright OR lights above, her vision blurring…

But just then, a name popped into her mind. Neil!

Neil had given her his card once, told her straight up, if she ever needed anything, she could call him anytime! And he didn’t just say it


Hope flared in Letitia once more. Right here, right now, Neil could be her lifesaver!

Letitia, like grasping at straws, suddenly found the strength, even managing to get up on the operating table.

“My phone…” she begged the nurse, “Please, can you get my phone for me?”

This small request, the nurse could fulfill. Even though they had no clue what she was up to.

After some searching, they found Letitia’s phone in a bag in the corner.

She grabbed it with delight, tears streaming down, hands trembling, trying hard to focus on the screen. Finally, ‘Neil” appeared, and Letitia didn’t hesitate to press the button.

The ringing sounded, each second torturously long.

Letitia’s heart was in her throat, praying Neil wasn’t too busy to pick up.

Thankfully, after what felt like ages, a warm male voice came through, “Hello, who’s this?”

Letitia’s tears flowed even harder.

She tried to control the lump in her throat, to speak clearly- Mr. Thompson, it’s me, Letitia Sanders.”

“Ms. Sanders?” Neil sounded surprised, “Hello, what’s going on?”

“Save me, please, I need your help right now,” Letitia said.

There was silence for two seconds, then the sound of hurried footsteps, “Okay, where are you?”

Letitia held on to the last of her consciousness and clarity, explaining the situation and location.

Neil listened intently, occasionally acknowledging with a “Hmm”

Almost the moment the call ended, Letitia passed out completely.

The phone slipped from her hand, clattering to the floor

Nel rushed to the hospital as fast as he could and quickly took Letitia away


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