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Taming The CEO The Escaping Wife novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99

In a Each Elgin radiated an icy aura that could chill you to the bone.

Someone dared to whisk Letitia away right under his nose? Who the heck was it?

Where did this knight in shining armor come from?!

Find out what happened, and I want to know within five minutes Elgin bellowed. “Move it!”

Right away, nght away…

He slammed his phone onto the seat, his face dark as a storm cloud.

Well, Letitia, you’re quite the trickster, aren’t you?

Elgin glanced at his watch, counting the seconds tick by, his patience hanging by a thread!

Just seconds shy of five minutes, his phone buzzed again.


“Mr. Ramirez, the person who took Mrs Sanders is Neil!”

“Him, really?”

“Yes,” his subordinate answered, and he took Mrs Sanders to a private hospital under the Thompson Group!”

Elgin immediately ordered. Turn around!

This twist was totally unexpected for Elgin.

Letitia was one smart cookie, pulling off a Houdini and saving her bun in the oven!

Thompson Elite Medical Center

In the high-end ward. Letitia lay on the bed, pale-faced with her eyes tightly shut

“Mr. Thompson, she is stable for now, and we ve managed to save the baby,” the doctor said. “But she needs to be taken good care of… otherwise, a miscarriage could happen at any time.”

“Got it

“Il prepare her daily medication, and the head nurse will take care of Ms. Sanders personally.”

Neil nodded, bending down to take a seat beside the bed.

He hadn’t expected Letitia to be pregnant. So who’s the baby daddy? And why was she in the hospital in such a critical condition? This woman seemed to be a walking enigma.

Looking at her face Neil felt a sudden pang of pity, Girls should be living carefree, happy lives, and yet you, you must have been through so much

Otherwise, why would she be all alone in the hospital, waiting for his rescue?

If he hadn’t shown up would her child have been lost?

As he pondered, the sound of humed footsteps approached from outside

Neil furrowed his brow and stepped out of the room.

From a distance, he saw Elgin storming down the hallway.

“Mr. Ramirez?” Neil said. “What brings you here?”

“That’s what I was about to ask you”

“I’m looking after Letitia, Neil replied straightforwardly. “But you and her you’re just her boss, right?”

Elgin had no reason rushing to the hospital for a mere employee.

Elgin’s face was a mask of thunder, “Who told you to look after her?”

got a call from Letitia last night, begging me to save her, so I came.”

“She sure knows how to play her cards right, finding you,” Elgin sneered. “Neil, I’d advise you to stay out of Letitia’s business!*

promised her that I’d be there if she ever needed help. A promise is a promise.”

feels openness didn’t have a bit of deception, but that tone was grating on Elgin.

Compared to the “good guy Neil, he simply looked like the devil incarnate!

ught save her once, but you can’t save her forever, Elgin retorted. “I don’t care what your feelings for Lettha ore, but from now on

Chapter 99

stay away from her!”


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