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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 88

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 88 by desirenovel


Running with Aero in my wolf form was the most exhilarating thing I had done in my life. Well, second really if I count our many, many bed actions together, but that was beside the point.

This was ever my first time shifting into my wolf. I had always wondered when I would transform into one and actually doing it in the spiritual realm and under the central point of the River Enyd was mind-blowing.

Now, Aero and I decided to take advantage of the situation. Side by side we ran towards the nearest portal going back to Phanteon. Apparently, his teleportation ability doesn’t work normally in Sattus. Like many others, he had to go through portals to be able to enter and leave the realm.

With my spacial magic, I could have transported us back to the Baltic Meadows in a snap, but I honored my king’s lead. Plus, there was no harm in wanting to steal a bit of fun, right?

Once we arrived in our destination, Aero paused for a moment, gazed at me, and mind-linked, ‘Are you ready, Serena?’

‘Yes, I am,’ I answered, which in wolf form were grunts and growls.

His snout bobbed up and down in response to my answer before jumping into the portal. I followed a second later.

When I was back in Phanteon, I found that we were in a different part of the kingdom. We were practically at the top of a mountain range where there were little vegetation and snow covered the soil. Aero was poised towards the east side, where the Baltic Meadows was located. He stretched his limbs, tipped his head, and howled beyond the limit of his lungs.

Smirking inside, I joined him, and together, we made the loudest, meaningful howl ever. This was to inform our people that we were back and with certain targets in our minds.

After the howl, Aero shifted back into his human form wearing the same clothing he wore earlier before Lady Yllana did her insertion spell. As to why he did so, I found the answer through our linked thoughts. It seemed his teleportation ability only worked in his human form. He didn’t find this a disadvantage. In fact, this didn’t bother him at all.

I shifted back too, although I would have wanted to stay longer as a wolf.

He chuckled whilst he stretched a hand to me, “Don’t worry. You can always shift back whenever you want to. When this war ends, I’ll teach you all there is to know about being a werewolf and a lycan.”

“I’d like that, Aero,” I told him, now in my human form and wearing the same kick-ass clothing as before.

We held hands and together our bodies vanished, reappearing in a raised rocky ground that overlooked the whole of the Meadows.

The picture of werewolves and faes clashing welcomed us. It was so far a bearable sight. There were some knights hurt and some werewolves wounded, but overall, the death toll was zero, and I wanted it to remain that way. As queen and priestess of Phanteon and Ehnrelil respectively, my duty was their safety. I couldn’t stand by and allow their lives get wasted, especially when this was started just because of greed and hatred.

Aero looked at me and that look was enough a signal. Plan A, it said.

Silently and with burning eyes, I nodded.

I stepped forward. He stepped back. He allowed me enough room where I can focus whilst he provided protection for me.

Closing my eyes, I recollected the memory I witnessed in the past where Geraden took King Alduin’s life. Like I was the projector of this motion picture, I looked up into the sky, raised my hands, and softly chanted my spell. Neon purple and green replaced the gloom of the clouds thereafter. It was the start of the show.

‘This would be good,’ I thought to myself.

I could smell Geraden and Queen Adna’s scent somewhere in the Meadows, and definitely my beast friend too. They would all watch as the murder scene gets played in front of them. My aunt would finally know who took her mate’s life.

However, my expectations were met with disappointment. I frowned when the sky continued to stay blank; no picture of Geraden or King Alduin at all. This unexpected complication, I quickly connected to Sofia.

It turned out I got myself an attention seeker. A wannabe.

She may have learned some few tricks as the next priestess of Ehnrelil but she could never contend with me.

I stopped my projection spell, allowing the sky to turn gloomy again. Turning around, I gave Aero a hard look as I said, “Don’t stop me from beating this woman to a pulp.”

He grinned and raised his hands up. “I wouldn’t dream of it, Serena. Do whatever you want with her, but be careful.”

I neared him and cupped his face.

“I will,” I said. “You too. You’re itching to find Nevannir, right?”

“I want to settle the score with him,” he answered, his eyes changing to golden.

“And Geraden too?”

He scoffed. “Elijah and your father volunteered to teach him a lesson.”

“Right,” I chuckled, the thought of them partnering up filled me with happiness. “Geraden sure is lucky.”

After exchanging nods and a quick peck on the lips, I vanished in front of him and materialized to where the sour odor of Sofia exuded. It was in the fields of Salviste Lake. Fuck. She really had to go and taint this beautiful place’s memory.

Or, she was probably hiding here, making sure no lycan warrior could find her.

“So, you know a blocking spell, huh? Is it to block the Elemental Witches’ spells against the fae army?” I asked whilst standing behind her sorry ass. I was sure this was her reason. It was just unlucky for me she also inadvertently blocked my projection spell.

I was mere inches away from her; so, so close to wrangling her neck from behind, but I opted not to. It wouldn’t be fun that way.

The moment she heard my voice though, she turned around with a start and jumped away from me.

“You’re alive!” she cried out whilst showing a confused look.

I arched a brow. “Of course, I am. What made you think I was dead?”

Chapter 88 1

Chapter 88 2

Chapter 88 3


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