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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 92

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 92 by desirenovel


The smell of blood, metal, and burning wood filled my nostrils as soon as I left the forest floor. As opposed to earlier, the scene now in the Meadows was close to worrisome. There were more wounded faes, werewolves and lycans everywhere I looked, but at least, the good side here was that there were still zero deaths.

I figured I had to act fast now before the count changes to times ten.

Catching my husband’s scent, I ran towards where he was. I saw him with Queen Adna, seriously talking despite the many spears surrounding him. I felt great relief wash over me thinking that he was now safe from Nevannir. He won their fight, but now I taught, maybe he was asking for more action with him in the same platform as my aunt.

Meters away, I also noticed my father fighting with Geraden. He looked epic in his wolf form: a combination of black and brown. I felt a rush of pride for him.

‘Serena, now,’ Aero told me through mind-link. He must have sensed my presence. I tossed him a look, saw him nod, so I nodded back. I knew instantly what he was talking about.

My paws stretched, my body followed, and then, on top of my lungs, I howled. The sound was a hundred times as loud as before; its waves hitting each and everyone in the battlefield both fae and werewolf. This paused their fights—Geraden and my father included—and they all looked at me in confusion and awe.

I shifted back to my human form and raised my hands. The words in my projection spell rushed out from my lips. They transformed into mist, climbing up the sky and coloring it with neon green and purple again.

With no one now to block my spell, pictures of the past started materializing. First, it showed Geraden and King Alduin arguing, then the gruesome happened. I heard Queen Adna cry out as Sofia delivered the first blow. Then, saw her kneel down in anguish as Geraden finished the job. My husband was thoughtful enough to give her space. He just stood there and remained observant.

I directed my attention to the culprit. His face was as white as a ghost. My father took this as an opportunity to immobilize him, catching him off-guard by ramming his wolf head against Geraden’s limping body.

He slammed hard on the ground. Blood spilled forth from inside his helm. He tried to summon a spell with his right hand but was unable to when my father tore this limb off of his body.

I heard his high-pitched cry and took delight hearing it.

He tried another spell with his left hand, but again, the same treatment was given. My father’s wolf spat out his second arm like a worthless bone some distance away. Blood on his fangs dripped onto the ground. It was a horrifying sight for the fae knights yet they didn’t stop him. They actually gave him room, circling both of them as if this battle now highlighted their match.

Once I showed everything important to the faes and to my aunt, I ceased my projection spell and turned my attention to the platform wherein Queen Adna was still bawling her eyes out.

I poofed myself there and stood right next to my husband.

“Auntie,” I muttered cautiously. My heart sank seeing her like this. She didn’t deserve this kind of treachery. She didn’t deserve this kind of pain.

After tossing Aero a glance, I neared her and knelt down to her level.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, auntie. I’m sorry you had to go through the pain of losing uncle again,” I stated softly. I wanted to console her, so I reached out to her lowered head and pressed it close to my chest. “I really am sorry.”

She didn’t reject me. She just continued to cry.

“I want you to know who the murderer truly is. It is the only way to stop this war. The only way to avoid more deaths.”

“Serena…” Weakly, she called. Her head lifted up a bit and her wet eyes met mine. “All this time, I had been so blind.” Her voice trembled and so did her lips. I held her shoulders and it felt cold.

“I couldn’t believe Geraden and Athyllane would do this to me.”

I decided to give her a warm hug. At least, this calmed her.

“He is clouded by greed and hatred, auntie. Sofia…or Athyllane is the same.”

“Your mother was right. You truly are my salvation,” she replied.

I smiled briefly at this.

“Geraden, he needs to be punished, auntie,” I then stated, pulling back to meet her eyes again.

This time, the sadness from them changed to silent fury.

“I shall punish him myself,” she stated, now determined for justice.

With a wave of her hand, a cloud-like platform lifted us up including Aero. Queen Adna stood up whilst wiping her tears dry. I followed, thoughtfully assisted by my husband.

Together, we rode the floating platform to where the fight of Geraden and my father took place.

Once we arrived, the witnesses of werewolves, lycans, and fae knights widened the area. They all knelt in deference to us. My father too, or at least that’s what it looked in his beast form.

Queen Adna lowered the platform. When it touched the ground, it disappeared. She stepped forward towards Geraden’s pitiful form. Despite already caught red-handed, he showed no sign of remorse. He just flashed the queen a weak, bloody grin, looking still proud of himself.

The prick.

He tried to speak, yet no voice would come out. My father sure made a good job wounding his throat with his claws.

“High Elder Geraden,” she started, her voice full of contempt. “For killing your own brother, my mate…” Her voice shook. I quickly went to her side and squeezed her shoulder. She nodded at me and recollected herself. “For inciting war against Phanteon and for the other ghastly deeds you committed, you will be stripped of your title as king of Ehnrelil.”

She raised her hands up and something inside Geraden left. It was a faint glow of a crown.

“B…t…ch…” he actually managed to say and gave both of us a glare.

“For your sins!” Queen Adna’s voice heightened, “You will be condemned to death!”

From her right hand, there appeared a miniature version of Ellerion. As my bedtime song goes, only fae queen’s could possess such baby swords. My mother was resourceful in adding this tidbit just to educate me.

“And I shall see to it that that happens!” she added and pointed the glowing sword towards Geraden.

Another miniature Ellerion appeared directly above his throat. At Queen Adna’s cue, it moved and drove itself towards that very spot, much like what he did towards King Alduin.

′What a perfect way to avenge his death,′ I thought to myself. It may not fill the gap of losing her mate but finally, she got her closure.

With the contact of the sword and Geraden’s flesh, his body started to disintegrate. We watched as he wriggled and groaned, trying to fight off his condition. I had no doubt all of us who witnessed felt no guilt when his face finally turned to dust.

A pregnant pause enveloped the whole Meadows. Even the wind died down too. Then, Queen Adna gestured for me and Aero to stand with her.

Chapter 92 1

Chapter 92 2


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