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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 89

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 89 by desirenovel


As soon as Serena disappeared, I concentrated on finding Nevannir. He was the one man I wanted to crush at the moment. He was the true threat to my peaceful life with Serena. Geraden sure deserved my wrath too, but Elijah and General Halcynos could take care of him.

And speaking of which, as I raced back in my werewolf form to the tent where I left Lady Yllana, I saw both of them already fighting with him. Or, rather, it was only the General since Elijah just stood a short distance away, probably allowing the old man the first strike.

General Halcynos was right to spar with Geraden. He held some personal grudges with this fae king in the form of Lady Cyrena. In my shared thoughts with my wife, I found that her mother had died purely of natural causes, but this wouldn’t have escalated fast if she was allowed to live with her mate.

Geraden, judging from his angry look, had welcomed his opponent wholeheartedly. If anything, this fight they were about to enter into was the culmination of all those centuries of accumulated hatred and rage.

It would have been interesting to watch their match, but I had my own demon to confront too.

Heading straight inside the makeshift war room, I found that Lady Yllana’s Elemental Witch companions had been knocked down. Both of them were conscious, good, but were nursing their laceration injuries with their healing spell.

“Your Majesty,” Lady Shea, the Elemental Witch of Water, looked up and called my attention before I could advance into the inner room, “The guardian took her.”

I knew already who she was talking about.

I clenched my hands and released a long sigh. “So predictable of him,” I remarked. Sniffing his invisible trail, I immediately located where he hid. It was in a cave formation kilometers away from the Meadows, inside Ehnrelil in fact. Since now the border was left open, I would be able to poof directly into that location.

“Will you be fine here, ladies?” I asked before leaving them. They nodded in unison, quite taken aback that I actually showed kindness towards their gender.

Huh. Maybe the old me would have thought this impossible. I had come a long way and it was all possible because Serena was with me.

Once I left the tent, I hunted for Nevannir’s scent again. It was easy despite the smell of blood permeating the surroundings. The Royal Fae Army still stood tall and strong and so were my people.

‘General Halcynos, Elijah, my Alphas,’ I mind-linked at them, ‘Continue to stall time. Continue to fight. As much as possible only wound the faes, but if your life is threatened, then you know what to do.’

Serena was half-fae and she cared for that half despite the troubles it had given her. It was only right of me to stick to her plan and respect her goal of less death—zero even, except for these three persons we wanted to be erased in this realm.

After a second of honing on Nevannir’s scent, I teleported. Inside the said cave, I shifted to my lycan form and switched on my camouflage ability. I was a monster covered in obsidian black fur while this crystal cave mostly exhibited a dark violet. Camouflaging into that shade was effortless to me.

“So, so beautiful,” I heard someone say. It was faint and echoic but I could still delineate to whose voice it came from.


Following the echo, I found myself inside a small cavern that was desperately renovated into a livable bed and study space. It was a pitiful sight.

“So perfect for me,” Nevannir stated again.

A few meters away, I saw him inside his four-poster bed, sitting next to a seemingly sleeping body of Serena. He was caressing her face, his expression a picture of veneration. Not lust. Not love. Just pure adoration.

On a different day, I would have already attacked him in a jealous rage, but this right here was perfect. It was fun to watch, especially when he had no clue whatsoever of the situation in front of him.

“Priestess!” he called out to the wind, raising his head up, “Come out of your hiding place, I got a present for you.”

I continued to observe him, relishing this show of stupidity.

“You’ll surely love to reunite with your body again,” he went on. His hands waved in the air and instantly, glittering dust appeared of different colors. It formed into one silvery-white long dress, quite the exact size for Serena. Nevannir formed a pleased smile and with a wave downward of his hands, the gown replaced Serena’s combat ensemble.

Even if this Serena was a fake, I had to intervene. It was getting pathetic.

“How about I reunite your face with my claws, Nevannir?” I asked, shifting back into my human form and lifting my camouflage ability.

He jumped up from the bed and turned to me with a surprised face. “King Aero!”

Frantically, he created slender, pointed crystals around Serena’s body; each one capable of stabbing her flesh.

Nevannir cracked a proud grin at me then.

“Harm me and you’ll be kissing Serena’s body goodbye. She’ll be forever trapped in the spiritual realm. Wouldn’t that be sweet?”

I gave him a bitter look. “Such a cowardly move, Nevannir, but I actually expected that from you,” I said. “Inviting you into my castle, showing you the bugs, and allowing you to fool me with the bracelet was stupid of me, I know, but this time, I’m a hundred steps ahead of you. The moment I caught your smell in that woman’s garment, I knew you were part of this fae mess.”

Chapter 89 1


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