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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 91

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 91 by desirenovel


With anger and the need for revenge thrumming inside me, my wolf lowered its head and snarled at Sofia. Deadly whites of different sizes and sharpness displayed in front of her. I was sure these babies could break her bone easily, cutting her blood resource and sending her straight to the land of the dead, but I had another thing in mind for her. Another way of death wherein justice could truly be served.

Her eyes were wide as she regarded my wolf. She kicked her feet up and was just about to scram when I leaped onto her, caging her in place with my animal form.

Again, I flashed my fangs, but this time so close to her face that my snout almost kissed her creasing forehead.

′Be still while I rearrange your fucking face, Sofia,′ I stated through telepathy whilst one of my claws tested its sharpness using her chest. She cried out in response as her flesh got cut open. Her legs tried to kick my underside, but the weight of my wolf was ten times heavier than I was on human form. She couldn’t push me off.

“This is not over yet!” she shouted, throwing me a look of rage.

Her free hand slammed against the soil and before I could stop her, an explosion from below us caused the ground to break and create a crater.

I jumped just in time before I could fall together with her. A quick aerial view of the crater showed how sizable it was. Clouds of dust and debris were everywhere. The once beautiful patch of glowing flowers was defaced. A few trees nearby were uprooted. The Salviste Lake almost got swallowed up by the crater, but I was relieved it was spared by a few feet.

On all fours, I landed some distance away from the crater. The impact made the soil underneath my paws crack.

Sofia emerged from the rubble all recovered and ready for part two. She was holding her curved twin swords, probably summoning them during the distraction. I expected her to come to me with those blades again, but to my surprise, she tossed them on the ground again.

“Depending on your wolf blood now? Couldn’t take me on while being fae?” she dared.

She actually fucking dared.

Deep inside, I recalled my wolf, promising to have its spotlight later. First, I needed to teach this bitch a lesson.

“Here you go, Sofia,” I spread my hands up once I returned to my human form, “As you wish. Now, let’s fight!”

I ran towards her with nothing but my bare hands as a weapon. She answered this with an enthusiastic run of her own.

We met halfway in the field seconds later. She aimed for my head, trying to land a good uppercut. I blocked her with my right elbow and then answered with a heavy punch to her left flank.

She grunted briefly, then went back to attacking me. Unleashing a combination of punches and kicks, she was able to land one forceful kick to the side. Air left my lungs in an instant. I doubled over and briefly coughed up blood.

Seeing this, she chuckled. I saw just how much this one successful hit made her overconfident.

She tried to target my chest and torso again with another string of combinations. I answered her with blocks and a series of counterattacks of my own, ending it with a sharp headbutt when I was able to grab her head.

This brought her wobbling to the ground. Blood trickled from her nose not a second later. I grinned, finding this satisfying.

Frustrated, she spat out saliva in front of me, wiped her nose, and stood up, positioning into another fighting stance.

I must admit, I admired her tenacity and strength. It was no question she was well taught by the elders too. As the next priestess in line, I expected no less. She was a well-deserved opponent, but still, our skills vary greatly. It was a shame she couldn’t see this fact.

“A human, a half-wolf, or a half-fae, nothing changes, Sofia. I still outrank you,” I stated.

“I beg to differ!” she grounded and then moved towards me.

Timing her as she came forward, I simultaneously stepped back and threw in a knife-hand to her throat. With direct contact, she staggered backward again, choking on the blow, but this didn’t stop her. She swayed her hand from right to left and before I knew it, an invisible force threw me across the field.

Damn cheating bitch.

She might have realized hand-to-hand combat couldn’t help her so she resorted to using her powers again. Fuck.

I stretched my arms, checking for any sign of bone fracture, and fortunately, there was none.

“You never play fair, huh?” I asked her, the rage in my eyes heightening.

She scoffed and flipped a hand in the air. “I wasn’t taught to do that.”

I clenched my teeth. Now, my wolf really did want to come out, and certainly, I obliged its request. I shifted to my beast form, this time really aching to have her fucked up face mutilated.

Seeing this change, Sofia stepped backward and shifted to a familiar stance.

Varying sizes of circles then appeared on the ground around me. It contained the symbols of the faes: Lapiza, Atizola, Masupi, Elnach, Jet’sum, Wanauie, Emdalch, Ruis’et. All of these together could summon a higher form of power. I briefly admired her for attempting such a big task, but at the same time found this to be idiotic.

She must really be desperate now.

“I will show you just how much I am better than you!” she bellowed, levitating in the air thereafter.

The ground shook. The waters of the lake turned to big waves. Small stones and medium-sized boulders levitated with her.

I poised into my hunting position. My claws elongated further. My white fur stood on end.

Once she was floating five-storeys high, she released seven swords from the symbolic circles, caging me in place as if I was a prisoner. They were gigantic and in different colors accordingly staying true to what they represented: wind, fire, earth, forest, water, sky, time, and lastly, space.

The swords around me created a stronger gravity. I wasn’t able to leap out but this didn’t worry me.

Sofia started chanting and then, the swords began to glow even brighter.

“Now, you will die!” she cried out just as the light of the swords converged in the center and exploded directly towards me.

Chapter 91 1

Chapter 91 2

Chapter 91 3


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