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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 90

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 90 by desirenovel


“I know you can’t change into your beast form in this plane!” he added. “You are weak when in your human form!”

I smirked at this.

“And that’s where you’re wrong again, Nevannir. There’s a reason why I’m called the Alpha King,” I said, just as I shifted into my lycan form.

During my shift, some arrows melted due to the mere energy I had released. The remaining ones bent, broke and turned to dust as it contacted my lethal fur.

I honed in on Nevannir’s presence again. Like a coward, he was still a safe distance away from me. Still invisible. I decided instead to give him a spook.

In just two strides, I was instantly in his front with my claws perfectly secured around his neck.

“Aeyaahh!” he actually cried like a banshee. His body, in response to the contact of my claws, lost its ability of invisibility.

Taken by surprise, he scratched my muscled arms, trying to free himself, but seeing as this wasn’t enough, swords of different shapes and sizes materialized and skewered me.

Blood further oozed from my wounds. It added more pain all over my body. However, I felt perfectly within my full strength.

‘You know what, Nevannir? I heal fast,’ I confessed through telepathy. ‘Surely, you know that right? Or was it that you have forgotten? Too preoccupied with your delusions of grandeur?’

I squeezed his neck tighter and he struggled to gain air into his lungs. His nose bled further, his eyes splurt out a pinkish fluid and his face generally turned red as he gave me a scathing look.

“Also, you must know. I’m fucking immune to magic.’

I released him just as I returned us to his chamber.

His body dropped hard on the floor. He coughed up blood and coughed again, and then wheezed, trying his best to oxygenate his lungs.

Now thirsty for more, I grabbed his golden hair to the root and kicked him down so that the rest of his body would be kissing the floor.

‘I told you already I don’t share what’s mine. Serena is my mate and for threatening her life, you get my fangs,’ I told him in his mind.

The red in his face drained and for the first time, I saw fear in his eyes. That smug expression of his was finally gone.

“Yo—u ca—n’t kill m—e,” he rasped, “I’m a guar—dian!”

Speaking of which, two guardians I know by name appeared in our midst.

Kerus and Farryl.

“Yes!” Nevannir quickly shouted, his face a picture of hope. “My fel—low guard—ians, take me a—way!” He grabbed his hair and tried to free himself, but I kept my grip tight. “Yes! Let—me be judg—ed by our co—uncil. Our law sta—tes that on—ly the council can pa—ss judgment on a guar—dian. Sure—ly the King of Phanteon has vio—lated this!”

He fucking had a point. Farryl experienced this once, when she was suspected to have killed the female vampire decades ago. She escaped the council’s judgment when she proved herself innocent.

Nevannir here was a different story.

I growled at them, giving them a definite warning. They’d probably receive my wrath if they take my prisoner away.

“What do you think, Kerus?” Farryl turned to her companion and asked, acting mildly interested. “Should we uhm…stop King Aero?”

Kerus quickly gave her an arched brow.

“Are you crazy? I’m having fun watching Nevannir’s pretty face get fucked up,” he exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Farryl sighed. “I’m pretty much enjoying this scene too.”

“No… no!” My guardian fae complained and started thrashing under my grasp. “Our coun—cil will know that you have tur—ned your back on me! You will be pu—nished!”

Inside, I was considerably laughing at his desperation.

Chapter 90 1


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