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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 10

Nyx's pov.

Is he ever going to come meet me? I wondered about my mate as I sat down on the cold prison floor drawing patterns in the sand with my fingers.

I have been here for over a week now or more. I am not sure, I lost track of the days and the more we stayed, I noticed that the comfort we were provided were taken away too. We didn't have a mattress anymore nor the blankets neither the meals that came in often.

Amara and I were starving and we craved for food more than we ever had in our entire lives. Even the petty thin bread and soup given to other prisoners didn't get to us anymore and I wondered if it was his new method of tormenting us.

"Hey nyx." I looked up and saw Andros already standing close to his cell bars, "Here you go." He said flinging the bottle of water in his hand towards my cell. He had a very good throw, it landed very near as always.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I went to pick it up, "Thank you very much."

I took the bottle and went back to where Amara was seated. She looked up at me as I crouched next to her. She had become thinner due to lack of food. I opened the bottle and gave it to her to drink from. This had become our routine ever since we stopped getting food. Andros giving us his water and I handing it all to Amara.

He had been of great help. At first I never liked him since he kept bugging me of what relationship I had with the King and I didn't trust him since he was a rogue. But I got used to him and he was the only one I could talk to since our cells were opposite each other. Although, I still fear him since he is a man but he couldn't do me any harm, we got bars between us and a bit of distance.

I watched as Amara emptied the whole bottle of water and kept it aside. She wiped her hand over her mouth and looked at me.

"What about you mummy?" She asked looking at me with worry in her eyes, "You always give me everything."

"Don't worry baby." I smiled sadly at her, "I will be okay you know, I just want you not to go really hungry."

She nodded at me and looked down at fluffy, "We will be okay, right fluffy?" She smiled at it, "Fluffy says we will be okay mummy." She looked up at me.

"I know child, I know." I nodded at her and went back to my sitting position, I couldn't tell her that it couldn't talk and I couldn't tell her that we would probably die here if we went on like this.

"What are you thinking about?" I looked up again, it was Andros.

"Nothing." I sighed, "What were you put in here for?" I asked him changing the subject, I didn't want him to drill me for questions or try to get into my thoughts.

"A lot of things." He said, "Very scary things."

"Like what?"

"You don't want to know Kid."

"Don't call me kid." I growled at him and he laughed, "You are only barely older than me."

"You do not know that." He argued.

"So, how old are you then?"

"About 400 years old." He said and I gasped in shock. He couldn't be that old, he looked really young

"You speak no truth." I argued, "What are you? A vampire?" I questioned him with a laugh.

"Actually, half werewolf and half vampire." He said and I stared at him in amazement, I had never met a hybrid.

"Shocked?!" He laughed and I nodded.

"So what are you in for?" I asked again and this time he sighed before looking downwards.

"I am here because someone hates me." He laughed dryly, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh." I played with my fingers, "And your mate? Isn't she worried?"

"She died hundred years ago." He mumbled.

"I am sorry." I said to him not knowing how to console him any further.

"It's okay." He sighed, "At least I got a taste of what loving someone was like and she was the most wonderful person I have ever met."

I smiled at him still not knowing what to say as I wondered if I will ever get a feeling of what loving someone or being loved was like. I looked over at Amara and saw that she had fallen asleep. My stomach growled in hunger bringing me back to reality.

"What are you in for?" It was Andros's turn to ask me this time, "What must you have done to be held captive with your child?" His voice was teasing.

"I…" I stopped not knowing if I wanted him to know the reality of things, did I trust him enough to know? Was I ready to tell him anything? "I am here because someone hates me too."

"You are lying." He laughed, "You are his mate aren't you?"

My heart skipped a beat as I heard his words and my breathing increased rapidly, how did he know? I never told him anything, "No, I am not his mate." I lied, "I am just here cause someone hates me."


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