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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 9

Lycus's Pov


             I shifted into my human form trying to shield out my wolf's grumbles as I bent and pick up my shorts to put them on.

I still couldn't wrap my head around what happened last night. I had finally found her after searching for over ten years since when I turned sixteen but meeting her now, I never expected her to be what she was, a silver wolf which was rare, a weak omega and also a rogue. She had all wrong combinations of what I never wanted in a mate and I couldn't possibly accept her, I just couldn't.

You have got to be fucking shitting me! My wolf Spyro growled, you are such a fucking idiot *Lycus.

I choose to ignore his complaints as I walked towards the pack house. He had been mad at me and was still mad at how I treated our mate. I felt the sparks when she rubbed against us and he almost purred along with her but I had to take full control and stop him.

*I hate you so much right now dick head!* He kept whining, we have been waiting for her for years and we meet her and you mess it up. Hell you even ordered her to be thrown in the cells! You are sick! He spat.

I am not sick spyro!* I had to reply him just this time, we can't have an omega as our mate, a rogue at that, she's fucking weak, she couldn't even stand up for herself when I was harsh on her and goddess she is a silver wolf, she's weird. She is a weird roguish wolf and a fucking omega.

And you are sick! He said again, what the hell has come over you?

I don't know! She won't be my mate, the moon goddess must be playing games with me.

Ahe is beautiful and I am sure there is more to her than what you perceive, He said calmly, you have got to think this through.

I had to agree with him, she was beautiful. I almost got lost in those green orbs for a moment back there.

We can't have her Spyro, I said to him, and I will follow the necessary procedure of what should be done when you do not want your mate, now shut up, I need peace, I cut off the connection and shut out his whining.

I sighed and picked up speed as I got nearer to the pack house. Along the way I was greeted by some of the warriors on patrol but I only nodded at them and continued on my way, I had to meet my mother, I didn't have time for familiarity.

"Alpha, Alpha." I heard voices behind me as I got into the pack house. I turned in annoyance to see who they were and it turned out to be two of the female warriors I was on patrol with last night.

"What is it?" I asked harshly clearly showing my irritation, "Be quick about it."

"Your highness." They greeted and bowed slightly, "The rogue we captured last night, what should we do with her and her pup?"

Gosh! My eyes widened in realisation, I had totally forgotten that I saw her with a pup and I was suddenly curious as to why she had a child.

"Have you done everything as I instructed?" I asked them, "Placed a bed in the cell? And provided her with food and blankets?" I inquired, even if I didn't want her, I wasn't heartless to put her in miserable conditions.

"Yes Alpha." They replied, "Is there anything we should do next?"

"No." I shook my head, "Just make sure no one touches her, no harm comes to her, if the opposite happens, I will have your heads! Is that clear?"

"Yes Alpha." They nodded and I dismissed them. I was about to turn and continue to where I was headed when I was stopped again.

"Ahemm." I knew instantly that it was Laya, my Beta. She was the only one who had the audacity to gain my attention like that, "Caring for the rogue, I see." She snorted, "What's so special about her?"

"I donot have time for this Laya!" I said to her as she moved to block my way, "Get out of my way now!"

"Is she your mate?" She glared at me.

"What she is to me is none of your concern!" I said to her using my Alpha voice, "Move out of my fucking way!"

She didn't waste time in doing as I commanded as she knew that she wouldn't be spared from my wrath.

I continued on my way muttering curses as I hoped that no one would stop me as I was getting really irritated by the little distractions.

I reached her chambers without any interruptions, immediately opened the door and got in.

"What the hell mum?!" I shrieked shielding my eyes from what I just saw. Not every child would love to see his mom having sex.

"Lycus." She panicked, "You could have mind linked me." She said and I heard rustling as I just stood there awkwardly with my arms over my face, "Get out." She yelled at the male warrior she was with and I could hear hurried padding of feet.

"You can open your eyes now son."


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