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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 12

Nyx's pov

             I stared at the lady glaring at me like she wished I never existed and from the brown color of her eyes, I knew that she was the white wolf from the day I was taken captive.

She was beautiful too. She had long black hair with gorgeous face features and I wondered if everyone around here was beautiful except me.

"Get the mutt out!" She growled at the two guards standing behind her.

"But his royal Highness said…" One of the two guards began to speak but she instantly slapped him across the face halting his words.

"How dare you disobey your beta?!" She barked at him, "You do not want to test me!"

"Sorry." He mumbled bowing his head in submission.

"Now! Fucking get her out, I am losing my patience!" 

They immediately swung into action at her words and opened the cell entrance.

They moved the bars aside and sprung into the cell before grabbing me and lifting me by my arms. I struggled against them but they didn't let me go.

"Where are you taking my mummy?" Amara cried from where she was seated. I knew she was fighting the urge to get up and follow as she didn't want to get kicked again.

"Shut up kid!" One of the warriors growled at her, "Stay put!" She whimpered and backed up against the wall.

I gave her a sad look before they dragged me out and began to take me away from the cells with the Beta walking behind us. We reached a room, the door was open and I was thrown inside. The lady walked in while the two warriors who carried me stood outside and locked the door shut.

I sat up and looked around the room. Instantly, I started hyperventilating as I noticed that I was in a torture room and it looked even worse than the one at Alpha Titan's pack.

I watched the lady look over me with a smirk before walking over to me. She crouched down to where I was at the floor and stared into my eyes. I looked away.

"Who are you?" She growled at me, "Tell me who the fuck you are?"

"I…a…m Ny…x." I stammered in fright and cowered away from her.

"So pathetic." She laughed, "The Alpha King's mate is a fucking weakling."

"D..on't harm me, please…" I pleaded with her only to get my face yanked up harshly. She held a deadly grip around my jawline and I could feel her claws piercing my skin.

I whimpered.

"What makes you think you can bring your filthy self here and lie that you are his mate, uhn?!" She glared daggers at me, "And why does he believe you? Did you use magic? Did you put on an enthralling mystic scent to mess with his senses?"

I nodded saying no and then she dealt me a blow that sent me reeling against the wall, I groaned in pain.

"Fucking liar!" She screamed at me, "What even made you think he would chose you over me?" She laughed.

she wants him too, Tears rolled down my cheeks, of course, he would pick her or the witch, I am nothing compared to them.

"yes bitch! Cry!" She walked over to a table in the room, "Have you seen yourself before? You are ugly and pathetic. You are marked all over your body, you have even got a child you whore and you fucking stink! Despite all that, you got the guts to walk into the Alpha King's territory and lie that you are his mate."

"I am not lying." I cried as she walked back to me with a syringe in her hand.


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