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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 13

Lycus's pov

                 I had left the pack house that morning having slight thoughts of my mate. Something kept pulling me to go down to see her but I resisted the urge and proceeded with my movement.

I couldn't let some stupid pull towards her waste my time.

I had Alpha duties.

I had a meeting with leaders of other were creatures and I couldn't let my insignificant mate ruin my plans. I kept having this bad feeling in my guts as we began the journey but I could care less, I had left my Beta laya in charge of the pack, nothing could go wrong.

i have this bad feeling! Spyro had told me as I questioned him about his uneasiness but I threw his response aside.

Half way through the journey I just had to order the convoy to turn around, the discomfort and bad feeling was now too strong for me to ignore and when we had reached the pack house and i caught her scent only to perceive blood also, i saw Red.

I had shifted into my wolf and raced to the prisons, the smell of her blood grew stronger as I traced it to the torture room and went through the door only to find out that one of the guards was before my mate forcing himself on her.

I had given him the leniency of a few words before pouncing on him and ripping his head off.

I turned to my mate and snarled seeing the state she was in and instantly she had passed out.

Now, I was running towards the pack hospital with her limp form in my arms. Blood continually seeped from her wounds staining my arms and I picked up my pace using my wolf speed trying to hasten up.

I got into the pack hospital and raced towards the emergency room which I had mind linked them to clear earlier.

The doctors gave way as I hurried into the room and placed her on the bed but with my arms still holding her. I gazed down at her, her face was ashen and bloodied and so was the rest of her body.

"Your highness." The head doctor said to me and I snapped her head up at her with a glare, "You have to step aside for us to attend to her." Her voice was pleading.

"No!" I barked at her, "I am not leaving her!" My hold on Nyx's body tightened and I could feel her grow cold.

"Alpha, please you need to step back." The doctor pleaded further but I ignored her and looked down at my mate.

The hate I felt for her was overcome with care, maybe it was because of the mate bond or because I didn't want her to die as that would make me weak, it was not like I cared about the omega. I moved my hand to her neck and felt it.

There was no pulse. I did it again, still no pulse.

"You have got to do something!" I barked at the head doctor, "She is losing blood, she has no pulse! Don't just stand there, fucking do something!"

"You need to leave, please Alpha, for her sake." She pleaded again and this time I obeyed. I reluctantly withdraw my hands and stepped back as they immediately hovered around her to work their magic.

I couldn't keep standing there to see them try to revive her. I had to leave and that was what I did. I walked out of the emergency unit hoping that she would survive as I didn't want to be weak and vulnerable if she happened to die.

                  I sat in my office working through some papers when I heard a knock at the door. 

"Come in." I growled and the door opened. In walked in one of the pack Nanny's with my mate's daughter sauntering behind her.

She didn't look haggard and dirty like when I last saw her. She was clean now and was wearing a flowering dress with her now clean teddy bear clutched in her hands and I noticed that she bore resemblance with my mate a lot.

She was as beautiful as her mother.


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