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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 14

Nyx's Pov

I was wet, drenched even. The only thing I felt was water and I snapped open my eyes to see myself in a pool. I struggled to breathe as I flayed my arms trying to get up, to the surface. I fought and tried but it was all a waste as I felt myself being pulled deeper into the water and just when I was about to give up, a strong wave came from nowhere carrying me out of the water and sweeping me onto the shore.

I struggled up to my feet, stood straight and looked forward to find help, when I saw a picnic blanket laid on the floor with lots of food. Lycus and Amara were seated eating and playing together. I smiled at the sight before me and then I saw Lycus's head shoot up.

"Come my love." He beckoned to me, "Come and join us, we missed you."

Just as I was about to move towards them, a hand grabbed me harshly halting me in my tracks. I looked behind to see Alpha Titan standing there glaring at me with Blood shot eyes.

"You thought you could run away from me?" He growled piercing my skin with his claws, "We are mates, you can never be free from me!" I whimpered in pain, "I will teach you a lesson." His grip tightened as he sneered at me.

"Help!" I screamed at my mate and daughter, "Please help me." I yelled but they couldn't hear me it was like I was never there, "Please help me!" I croaked.

"No one can save you!" Alpha Titan smiled wickedly as he threw me to the ground and unexpectedly his form was replaced by fay, the witch, it was no longer Alpha Titan, it was fay.

"You thought you could take my love away and go free?" She gritted harshly as her eyes glowed Red in anger, "You took Lycus away from me! I will kill you!" She growled and was about to pounce on me when the Beta was in her place. I was more confused now and terrified now.

"You can't be free from me mutt!" She cried and picked me up casting me back into the pool of water. As I fell back, the water got pitch black and a whirlpool formed with me in the middle swirling me round till water filled my nostrils, till I gave up my last breathe.

I wasn't dead. It was all a dream. I peered around the room trying to keep the bright light from hurting my eyes. My heart beat faster as I got scared again about the dream I just had. 

I tried to rid the dream off my mind by focusing on my surroundings. I was laying on a bed in a white room. I got a cannula with a drip  stuck in my left hand, I could see that from my state and other equipments in the room, it was a hospital.

I sighed, what happened? How did I get here? What is going on? Where is Amara?

Amara? I shrieked in a loud cry, "Where is my daughter? What have you done with her?" I continued screaming to no one in particular as the room was empty. I needed to get out of bed to go find Amara and then we would escape.

I sat up fully and moved my legs to the ground. I stood on them, they were wobbly and then I tried to take a step but I failed as I came crashing down on the ground bringing the sheets and IV stand down with me.

"Dumb." I heard a voice say as the owner of the voice lifted me from the ground in his arms, sparks! It was my mate, how did he enter without me knowing? He carried me to the bed and placed me on it while sorting out the other things that I had brought down with me.


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