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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 18

Nyx's pov


That was what flowed through me as I stood rooted to my spot. The power radiating from him as he grew angrier by the moment forced me into submission. I stood with Amara still clutched to me and my neck was bowed.

"Come here!" He said calmly and it only heightened my fear. Any time Alpha Titan had beckoned on me calmly the punishment was always worse. I shook my head in defiance and stepped back from him, he frowned.

"I said come here." He growled at me with his hands fisted by his sides and I could see his eyes glaring at me with anger, "Do not disobey me Nyx!"

Hera, please talk to me, I need you, I tried summoning Hera trying to get her. I really needed her help, I needed to run. I knew that if I got him angrier he would hit me just like Alpha Titan had, he would punish me.

Hera please! I tried again.

Nyx, can you hear me? I wanted to leap for Joy, finally she was back, What is going on?

We need to run away from him, Lycus.


He's going to hurt us Hera.

I don't think he is, trust him a bit Nyx, he said he won't hurt us.

I don't care! He's just like Titan! Look how angry he is, he's going to hurt Amara and I. We need to run.

As you say Nyx, She said accepting defeat.

"Don't make me repeat myself." He started to move towards me, "I am pissed, don't make me do what I wouldn't want to!"

I shook my head and stepped back trying to move away from him by breaking into a mini run

"You caused this!" He roared, his was catching up with me and with that I snapped

Hera, Now! I said to her and she took over heightening my speed. I ran navigating my way through the hallways and trying to get towards the stairs. Amara clutched tightly to me as we kept running.

I got to the stairs to meet what shocked me.

Lycus was already there standing with a devilish smirk on his face.

How did he do that? I paled as I stepped back from thinking of running in the opposite direction.

"Don't you even dare!" He growled at me halting me in my tracks and I shivered in fright.

Amara was snatched out of my arms by the woman that I guessed had brought her to my room earlier whom I didn't even know was right there.

"Put the child to bed." He said to the woman and she nodded and walked away with Amara who looked really frightened for me.

"You are coming with me." He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and reached my room in a flash.

"How did you do that?" I couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"I have powers." He answered and dropped me on the bed.

He went to lock the door.

"Please don't hurt me." I fell to my knees begging as he walked back to the bed, "I am sorry."

"Get up!" He ordered and I did wondering when he was going to give me a blow that will send me back to the ground.

"Why do you want Andros to be released? He is a criminal." He said to me pacing up and down the room with his hands folded behind him, "Why Nyx?"

"Cause I want him…"

He turned to me with a glare and I could have swore that I saw jealousy in his eyes as he marched up to me and yanked me closer to him. I winced as the grip hold in had on me tightened.

"What do you mean you want him?" He growled as his eyes darkened, "Is he your lover?"


"Are you his whore? So he is the father of your daughter? Were you spreading your legs for him in the cells?"

"That's not what I meant."

"You know what?!" He pushed me away, "You can have him!" He growled glaring at me one more time before storming out of the room and banging the door behind him.


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