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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 17

Nyx's Pov.

"Hello dear." She smiled at me and I opened the door wider. She stepped into the room and I finally got a chance to look at her well. 

She didn't look a day over forty and she was drop dead gorgeous. She had really long white hair and she looked a lot like Lycus and she still had those deep black set eyes. I knew she was lycus's mother and instantly I got all shy and flustered.

"H..i.." I managed to say but it came out as a stutter, damn it Nyx! So fucking pathetic you can't even say a Hi! I chided myself, "Hi." I tried again and this time it came out more formidable.

And she did something that shocked me to my core. She pulled me into a bone crushing and loving hug. One that I had never gotten in my entire existence.

so this is what Amara feels like when I hug her, I thought to myself as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that she had me in her arms and it felt reassuring, peaceful, it felt like the hug saying that she was here for me no matter what.

After quite a while she pulled me away softly with her arms still on my shoulders, "Finally glad to meet you Nyx." She smiled, "I have waited for this for long honey."

"Who..a..re…yo..u?" I stuttered as I was shocked by her warmth despite knowing that she was definitely Lycus's mother.

"I am Lycus's mother dear." She grinned.

"Hi." Amara gained our attention, "You are beautiful."

"Hey sweetie." She smiled and walked to the bed to join Amara, "How are you?"

"I am okay." Amara said, "Meet fluffy." She poked her teddy in the woman's face.

"Awwn.. Fluffy is cute…nice to meet you fluffy." She cooed and I smiled at their interaction as I was glad that Amara was working on her communicative skills and she wasn't a coward unlike me.

"Could you excuse us for a moment?" Lycus's mother said to Amara, "I would love to talk to your mother for some time."

"Okay." Amara said with a shrug, she picked up fluffy and raced out of the room shutting the door behind her.

"Come dear." She said to me and I moved to join her on the bed, "I would love to have a little chat with you."

I nodded.

"My name is Helena." She began, "As you already know I am Lycus's mother, ever since he told me about you, I have always wanted to meet you."

"He talked about me?" I was shocked, "Why did you want to meet me?"

"Cause you are my son's mate, silly." She giggled and I liked her already.

"Lycus doesn't want me." I shrugged, "You must know that."

She sighed and reached out, taking both my hands in her, "He would want you eventually dear, he had been through a lot, just give him time."

"You don't understand." I pushed her hands away, "No one wants me. Look at me." I stood up gesturing at my body, "I am ugly, scarred, used, abused and what not?" I said, "I wouldn't even want myself. I can't be his Queen, I am weak. I am not what other she wolves are. I am a cursed abomination." I broke into tears as I spoke and she stood up and pulled me into another warm hug.

"You are not what you think you are my dear." She said rubbing my hair, "You are beautiful and I know you would be a wonderful person. Just give him time and stay strong."

I nodded crying even though I didn't agree with her.


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