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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 23

I followed his words, pushed the door open and stepped into the office.

I closed the door and turned to face him.

Holy moon goddess fuck! He was shirtless, and I couldn't tear my eyes from his naked chest.

I stared at him with my mouth slightly agape. He was standing before his work table, leaning on it with his hands by his sides on the table supporting his frame.

Desire washed through me at the sight my eyes met with.

His arms were lean yet muscled and they were sexy, I wondered what they felt like. His pecs were round and they had dark rosy colored pointed nipples that I wanted to caress with my tongue and his packs, goddess his packs! I wanted to run my tongue on them.

who is the horny one now? Hera snorted snapping me out of my daze.

"What do you want?" He asked with his smirk growing, "Changed your mind?"

"Uhmm…" I cleared my throat, "I lost my way, I was trying to find the bathroom." I lied and immediately after my words came out they felt stupid to my hearing and to his too cause he chuckled.

"There is a bathroom in your room Nyx." He said walking around the table taking a seat on the chair, "Should I call for someone to lead you to it?"

"No…" I shook my head staying rooted to where I stood with my head bent.

"Are you going to take up my offer or leave?" He asked going straight to the point. I could hear his fingers drumming against the wood work.

My legs moved on their own accord and so did my hands as I went straight to the table, grabbed his face in my hands dropped a very fast peck on his lips and pulled away.

"There…" I said not being able to look at his face as I was red with embarrassment, "I kissed you, you will release Andros now right?"

"I want a kiss from a woman." He stood up and got close to me, "And not a child." He said taking my chin in his hand and lifting my face to his, my eyes met his.

"Have you ever been kissed before?" He asked rubbing his thumb on my lower lip.

"Hmmm." I didn't know what to say, if I should lie or say the truth.

"Tell me…"

"Yes." I breathed not telling him if it was consensual or not.

He frowned a bit at my answer and I didn't know if he was jealous or not.

He didn't say anything and his face descended. He dropped a kiss on the corner of my lips and I shivered, he did the same for the other corner then his lips came on mine.

He kissed me.


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