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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 24

Nyx's pov.

               I leaned against the wall of my room with my heart drumming fast and lips still aching, not in a bad way this time but in a very very good way. My hands came up to my face and I touched my lips, it felt swollen beneath my finger tips as a reminder of what had just happened.

feeling like this after a kiss? Hera chuckled mockingly, what happens when he finally fu…

Hera! I stopped her before she could finish her words as I blushed crimson.

I walked to the bed and sat on it trying not to wake Amara.

Did he like the kiss? I wondered, did I kiss him well? Was he going to kiss me again? Would this change anything?

Don't get your hopes high Nyx, My subconscious reminded me, he clearly said this meant nothing, he is going to mate with the Beta anyway.

Tears welled in my eyes as the realisation dawned on me again. I felt stupid for letting him kiss me and touch me like that, I felt used.

Anger surged in me at the fact that he thought he could just use me and get away with it, with the firm resolution to give him a piece of my mind, I stormed out of my room and straight to his office again.

I was going to let him know that he can't just use me or try to manipulate him into kissing him.

I reached the door and slightly pushed it open without knocking, I poked my head through the crack and all my anger melted into full blown sadness at what I saw.

Laya, the Beta was in his arms the same way I had been there minutes ago, he was leaning against the opposite side of the table with her arms draped around him casually like he had done with me. His back faced me and I could see her face. She raised it up and our gazes met.

I closed the door back silently not being able to stare any longer and raced back to my room faster than I could ever have.

                  Immediately I got behind the closed doors, the tears fell, I couldn't hold them back anymore, I cried at my foolishness.

I am such an Idiot! I groaned inwardly as I got on the bed trying to silence my cries so as not to wake my baby up,  I have got to be the most stupid wolf to ever exist!

Did you see that Hera? I sniffed, She was all wrapped up in his arms like he hadn't just kissed me few minutes ago.

Hera whined in pain, It's okay Nyx, it might not seem as what we think.

What else do you want to see Hera?! I practically yelled at her she was pissing me off, I bet he is already balls deep in her by now.

Don't say that Nyx, if he was, we would have felt the pain.

She was right, if he was sleeping with her, we would have been in pain just like in the past. I shut her out and got on the bed to sleep. I laid on the bed pulling the covers around me crying as the image of my mate wrapped in another woman's arms was imprinted in my memory.


       I could get up the next morning and got through with my boring routine with a very heavy and broken heart.

I was currently bathing Amara, she said she had a play date with other kids from the pack and she had to get ready on time.

"Do you talk to them much?" I asked lifting her from the bath tub and wrapping a towel around her.

"No, I don't." She said skipping out of the bathroom excitedly, "I just play with them."

"Don't you think it will be nice to talk to them?" I asked as I applied lotion on her body. I helped her put  on the pretty blue dress she had chosen to wear.

"Not all of them like me." She said and my face fell at the fact that my daughter was experiencing a childhood like mine, "I want the blue ribbons too." She pointed at them and I put them in her hair.

"You are all set." I patted at her back as she got down from the bed.

"Later mommy." She kissed my cheek, grabbed fluffy and left the room.

I smiled knowing she was going to have a bit of fun despite the fact that not all the kids liked her. At least she wasn't stuck in here always like me.

Hera? Hera! I called trying to see if she was ready to talk now but I guess she was not due to lack of response. She was just as broken as I was from yesterday.

I walked into the bathroom, took my shower and got out. I went to the closet to get an outfit to where, I settled for a white tank top and jeans not like I had lots of options.

I put on the outfit and walked to the mirror to look out myself. Seeing my reflection, I really wanted to take off my jeans. I looked super skinny in them, they showed off my thin legs making me feel worse than I already was.

"Don't you think that Tank top reveals too much of your ugly scarred arms?" I turned startled to see the Beta in my room glaring at me.

I hadn't heard her get in, how did she get in? could she teleport like Lycus too? That would make her awesomely perfect for him.

"Go..od m..orni..ng." I stammered not knowing what to say as her glare on me didn't get any less contentious.


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