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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 25

Nyx's pov

powerful wolves? What is she saying? I looked at her without uttering a word as her words rang in my head. What did she mean I was one of the powerful wolves, how is that even possible? I am so weak, I can't even fight. I can't even heal properly.

"Guessing from the way you look Nyx, I must say you need more enlightenment on what I just said." She said to me, "Come with me."

I nodded at her following her as she led me away. She brought me to a room which had a similar door to that of Lycus's office, only that it was smaller.

She pushed the door open and we entered.

I gazed at the room admiring it. The walls were painted white and there were a lot of book shelves against the walls which were filled with books.

Tall glass windows covered the far end of the room which were decorated with golden colored majestic curtains and right in the centre of the room stood a work table and a comfy looking cushion which was behind it. There were two other chairs before the table too.

"Welcome to my office Nyx." She said going round the table, "I can see you take it to your liking."

"It looks marvellous." I said still staring as I stood rooted to my spot.

"Take a seat dear." She gestured towards one of the chairs before her table and I did as she bid.

              I took a seat and watched her intently as she raised her hand, directed it towards one of the book shelves, flipped her fingers and I watched the books move in awe. She reached the one she wanted and lifted it up with that same unseen force.

Telekinesis, I stared wide agape as the book came before us and was dropped on the table, "You have powers too?" I asked with my mouth still open, "Just like Lycus."

"Yes, I do." She nodded with a smile, "Every wolf born into the royal family of the ruler wolves have special powers from birth."

"So, what are your powers?"

"We can discuss that later Nyx." She said brushing the issue off, "For now.." She opened the book, "Let me tell you all about yourself and the abilities you have and the power you could possess."

She picked up the book, it looked old, like some sort of book that would have a lot of spells and incantations written in it.

"This book contains everything about wolves." She began as she flipped the pages, "From what wolves are, to the types, the colours, the powers, the abominations…"

"I am an abomination." I said in a low voice cutting her short.

"You see my dear…" She smiled, "That is where you are wrong, what you are might put you in grave danger, you are…"

              A knock sounded on the door interrupting our conversation and I groaned internally. Just when I was about to learn more about myself, someone had to butt in.

"Come in." She said and the door opened. The person walked in and a blush crept up my face, it was Lycus. I looked down at my fingers twiddling my thumbs as I didn't want to see his face.

Although, I felt his gaze on me as he walked into the office.

"Mother." He greeted his mom as he got nearer to the table, "I will be quick, would like to borrow Nyx for a moment."

"Sure." She said and immediately she clapped her hands together and vanished, now that was unexpected!

She left leaving me alone with Lycus and I wish I could vanish with her too so I wouldn't have to face him.

"Nyx." He called and I looked up at him. He was dressed in a royal regalia which I had never seen before. He had a golden crown atop his head, an ornamented knee length coat adorned his body which was paired with black pants just like the color of the coat.

"Alpha." I bowed my head slightly, "What can I do for you?" I asked politely despite the fact that I badly wanted to lash out on him and slap his face for what I had seen the other Night.

"Stand up." I did as he told me and immediately I did, he moved closer to me and lifted my face up by picking my chin with his fingers. I was staring at him now, our gazes meeting.

"Nyx." He called softly and he inched his face closer bringing his lips close to mine. As much as I wanted to lean in and accept the kiss, I couldn't let myself be used again. I had been used my entire life, I couldn't let it happen again.

I summoned the courage and pushed against his chest softly moving him away from me, annoyance flashed in his features.

"A kiss is a kiss, not two, not three." I said to him without stammering and I was somewhat proud of myself, "You are the king, you shouldn't go back on your words." I said, "And I am very sure you have other options if you badly need to kiss someone."

"Your lover Andros has been released." He gritted obviously very annoyed at what I did, "He would be assigned with some work as I can't have him being lethargic around the castle." He said.


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