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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 30

Nyx's pov

Blazing black wolves! What in the moon did he just tell me? I clenched my legs then swallowed hard as I gaped at him hoping he'd repeat what he had just said. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, is he joking?

"I…sh…ge…" I stammered trying to form a coherent sentence while walking towards the door but it wasn't working, his words had left me speechless.

"Do you want me to repeat myself Nyx?" His hand came around my neck pulling me back to him, "Don't run away now, I am not done with you yet." He smirked at me. I bit my lips and I saw his eyes darken.

"Don't do that kitten." His hold on my neck tightened, "Now you will get on the couch and spread open those pretty legs like the good girl you are."

do it Nyx! Hera cheered at me, gosh he so hot.

His hold on my neck relaxed and I moved away from him walking towards the couch. He stood there watching me with a smirk and arms folded across his bare chest.

I sat on the couch, raised my legs up to the seat and widened them a little. I looked down not meeting his gaze as it travelled all over my body.

"Wider." He growled with lust as he walked towards me. I did as he told me to and he dropped before me on his knees, his hands came to my legs, bunching my dress up to my waist and widening my legs more.

"Such a good girl." His fingers traced my thighs causing my arousal to worsen. He traced my thighs, his face tightening as he saw the marks but he never said anything.

I felt somewhat powerful at the moment with the sight before me. The Alpha King was on his knees before me, ready to please me.

My breath hitched as his hand came to my panties, hooking his fingers on the band, he dragged them down relieving me of them. He dropped them on the floor before returning his fingers back to my centre.

I closed my eyes.

"Open up!" He commanded, "Watch what I am doing to you." His fingers traced my pubic mound as his head descended. I tried to close my legs. He slapped my pussy sending desire straight through me and I moaned loudly.

"Try closing them again and I will fucking tie you up." He said as he brought his head lower and lower.

"Please." I moaned as he kissed my thighs teasing me not giving me what I wanted. My arousal dripped down my core and he licked a trail of it from my thigh.

"Ly…" His name finished with a moan as I felt his tongue on my pussy giving me one long lick. I jolted in shock. His hands on my thighs tightened holding me down on the chair as he continued his wicked assault of my weeping core.

"Lycus." I moaned threading my fingers in his hair as he devoured me like his first meal. He forced my legs wider and I could hear the slurping sound of his mouth on my core. My clit throbbed as I moaned harder trashing against his face.

I felt one hand go down and his thumb grazed my clit, I moaned loudly feeling the shoot of pleasurable sparks. His thumb continued to rub circles caressing it as his tongue licked my wet folds.

"Aahhhrrgh!" I screamed in pleasure feeling his mouth wrap around my clit drawing it suckling on it. My legs began to wobble as the pleasure intensified. He picked my legs up and threw them over his shoulder making him gain more access.

He drew my clit in his mouth sucking on it with much aggressiveness and then he did what I had never expected.

His teeth grazed by sensitive numb and he bit down on it ever so gently.

"Fuck!" I screamed feeling hot liquid rush from the core flowing from it messing up the couch and the person before me.

He withdrew his head and he met my gaze, his eyes had grown darker with lust, his face was all wet and his lips were glossy with my juices.

"I can see you are a squirter." His lips curled in a smirk as I felt him slip a finger into to me. I bucked against his hold throwing my head backwards.

"You like that kitten?" He asked working his finger inside me my response came as a moan and he slapped my ass, "Words!"

"Yes." I moaned as he slipped a second finger into me.

"Yes what?" He asked pumping his fingers in me aggressively and I was beginning to see stars.

I stared at him being confused through my pleasure not knowing what to call him.

"It's yes daddy." He said dropping a kiss on my soaked pussy and fuck! him telling me to call him daddy was hot, I got wetter and I didn't even know it was possible.

"Fuck! You are so tight." He growled, "I am going to have so much fun fucking that tight pussy of yours." He said and I clenched around his fingers.

"That's how you are going to clench around my fucking dick." He said licking my folds causing me to roll my eyes in pleasure. He withdrew his fingers and I didn't have time to whine at the loss of them as his mouth came down again attacking my core.

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