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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 


My heart is still pounding inside my ribcage as I walk with wobbly legs back to the boardroom

How dare he touch me like he didn’t abandon and break my heart four years ago

And why did I respond to him like he still affects me

As soon as I go back to my seat, Megan approaches me with a stern expression on her face. Do you really think you’ve won this time? Coming back to our lives, all high and mighty? Today may have been yours, but I know you! You don’t have what it takes to hold that position for long.” 

I stare back at her, raising a brow. I don’t think you know me at all, Megan. For the past four years, I’ve built my empire from nothing. I’ve endured battles and won every single time. I have what it takes to head my family’s company.” 

Is that so?Kayden asks. It takes me a moment to realize that everyone in the boardroom is staring at us

I swallow hard and compose myself. I smile at him and say, Of course. I’ve faced challenges that would make most people crumble, and I’ve come out on top every time. So rest assured that I will lead this company to even greater heights.” 

King’s Court is in a different league than your current game,Kayden’s voice is cold and steady. I have no doubt in my mind that I hurt his ego with my power slap a while ago. Your designs are doubtless brilliant. But it will take more than DNA to prove that you can do this job.” 

Kayden flicks at the remote and a worksheet with numbers appear on the screen

These are the numbers of King’s Legend,he says. This was supposed to be your grandfather’s greatest legacy.” 

I heard of King’s Legend before. But I thought those were just rumors

Poised to be the first sevenstar hotel in Miami, this is King’s Court’s most ambitious project yet.” 

He presses the remote to show photos of the plan, 3D models and groundbreaking ceremony

However, when your grandfather fell sick, this project has been shelved,Kayden continues. Apart from the problematic designs, the major investors backed out because of the lack of confidence in the company’s leadership.” 

This project is far too ambitious,one of the board members say. “Without the major players and their billiondollar investments, King’s Court will never be able to finance this project at all.” 

I don’t think it’s in the company’s best interest to continue this project now,” another board member agrees

But we have a new Chairman now,Kayden raises a challenging brow at me. Who assures us that she can take this company to 

new heights. Isn’t that right, Miss King?” 

Fuck! What is he playing at

Bbut with our current finances, this project is near impossible to achieve, Attorney Magnus argues



Shares of King’s Court.” Kayden flashes the photo of King’s Legend 3D rendering on the screen. “I believe it can be done. With the right connections and of course the right leadership.” 

*King’s Legend is one of the things that convinced me to buy a lot 

He looks at me, his eyes full of challenge

Now, more than ever, I feel the weight of my grandfather’s unfinished legacy on my shoulders

This isn’t on the agenda today, Mr. Steele, Attorney Magnus points out. Perhaps we can table this for now.” 

I keep my face steady, devoid of any emotions. I stare back at the drawings of King’s Legend. Without a doubt, this will cost a fortune with its intricate design and lavish architecture

Kayden’s words keep echoing in my mind

The right connectionsthe right leadership

I realize that Kayden is telling me that if I don’t pull this off, he will replace me as Chairman. And now, he’s casting a doubt on my capability

Tension reels in, I can feel the weight of everybody’s stare, even Megan’s triumphant smirk

I think quickly but as I open my mouth, the boardroom suddenly opens and a group of gentlemen comes in

I sincerely apologize for being late,” an older man in his sixties say

Mr. Gibson, how nice of you to join us,Attorney Magnus stands up from his seat

Mr. Gibson is accompanied by two other men, and one of them is surprisingly familiar.. 

Ethan?I gasp

Ethan doesn’t say anything. Instead, he winks at me before taking his seat next to Mr. Gibson

These are my nephews, Ethan Sullivan and Matthew Gibson. I kept a considerable amount of shares here because of my good friend, Gordon King. When he died, I was thinking of selling my shares. But when Ethan told me that Gordon’s granddaughter will take over, both my nephews here became keen to buy out all my shares.” 

That’s good to hear,Attorney Magnus nods

Mr. Gibson stares back at me. You look like your grandmother, but you have your grandfather’s eyes. I see determination and fire in you, qualities that could makeor break a longstanding legacy.” 

Is that another challenge

Tension fills the room again as everybody waits for me to say something. Then suddenly, Ethan chuckles. Oh, give her a break, Unc.” 

A smile breaks on Mr. Gibson’s face. You don’t have to worry about a thing, Miss King. You have our full support.” 

I smile at them, feeling a surge of relief wash over me. I stare back at King’s Legend’s photo on the screen

It’s luxurious. In fact, too luxurious. Perhaps, with the right adjustments, I can bring the costs down, and with Ethan on my side, we can convince the right investors to inject money into this venture


I smile confidently as I raise my chin at Kayden and tell him, I accept your challenge, Ms. Steele. With my leadership, we will make King’s Legend a reality.” 

Cassandra!Attorney Magnus gasp but I nod at him reassuringly

Kayden’s expression remains stoic, his eyes giving nothing away. However, I detect a slight change in his attitude

Is that respect? Perhaps even admiration


Cancel all my appointments tonight,” I tell my secretary

Okay. Shall I inform Miss Brown that your evening is now free?” I raise a questioning brow at her. She instantly turns red. I meanshe was trying to schedule dinner with you, Sir.” 

I won’t be available for the rest of the day. No one gets through this door, understand?I don’t wait for her to reply. I go straight to my office and slam the door behind me

I pour myself a glass of whiskey, recalling the events that transpired this afternoon


She looks so different from the exwife I remember. And yet, her scent, her warmth, the feel of her skin against mineshe’s still the 

same woman

I remember how her body responded to my touch, and instantly, I feel desire reeling through me

Damn! Even the effect she has on me is still the same

I gave her a challenge. I didn’t intend to embarrass her. I was curious how she’ll react. Whether she accepted it or not, I was going to push through with the project. I was going to offer her my help. Maybe I was creating an opportunity so we could work together


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