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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 


It’s just another gala, Cassie. You look great. You got this

The South Carolina Business Council is holding a charity gala to benefit the underprivileged children in the community

As my grandfather’s successor, it’s only expected that I will receive a prime invitation to an event filled with the elite members of the city

Donning a winered offshoulder gown, I step out of the limousine and make my way towards the entrance of King’s Court Hotel 

Miss King, have you met your grandmother?a local news reporter asks as soon as I step into King’s Court lobby

Damn it! Atty. Magnus should have warned me that there would be reporters present, and that they would be allowed to do ambush Interviews

A week ago, I would have never imagined being stalked by the paparazzi or chased by local reporters. Heck, I didn’t even imagine being back in South Carolina to take the reigns on my estranged family’s billiondollar hotel empire. Everything still feels unreal

I I smile graciously at the reporter, My grandmother is due to arrive in South Carolina soon. And like you, I am looking forward to our first meeting.” 

Is it true that some of your relatives are planning to contest your grandfather’s will, Miss King?another reporter asks, thrusting his recorder closer to my face

I did expect that some of my relatives would not be so happy with my grandfather’s decision, but how the reporters got wind of this,

am not so sure

Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I meet the reporter’s gaze with a steely determination. I’m sure they are entitled to question my grandfather’s will, but I am confident that the legality of my inheritance is incontestable.” 

You and Ethan Sullivan have been seeing each other for years. Any wedding plans soon?a bolder reporter asks

I smile knowingly at the reporter and give a practiced answer, Ethan is one of my dearest friends. But, I’m here to support a charitable cause tonight. Perhaps you can ask me that some other time.With that, I turn on my heel and walk into the grand ballroom, the clicking of cameras following me as I make my entrance

Inside, the grand chandeliers cast a glittering light over the elegantly dressed crowd, and the sound of soft music fills the air

I spot a familiar figure across the room, and instantly my heart seems to stop beating. His steel blue eyes seem to be loaded with emotions I cannot quite decipher

I wonder what did I ever do to Kayden Steele that made him look so furious at me

Well, of course! I practically stole King’s Court Chairmanship from him. Knowing him, expanding Steele Corp is all he cares about

I feel a slight twist in my chest, but I immediately shake off that feeling

Kayden Steele is part of my painful past that I would rather forget. I shall feel no remorse for depriving him of his ambitions


I make my way towards my seat beside the Mayor and Cecilia, his wife

Cassandra,” Cecilia says. It’s so lovely to see you again, dear.” 

Pleasure is all mine, Madam.” 

Where is Mr. Sullivan? the Mayor asks

Unfortunately, he has to fly back to Manhattan. I came alone.” 

Of course. Mr. Sullivan is indeed a busy man.” 

But shouldn’t his lady love be more important?Cecilia frowns. Isn’t that right, my dear?” 

I give her a shy smile. Well, that is right. I will tell Ethan to treat his future lady love the right way.” 

Cecilia stares at me in surprise. Well, aren’t youoh, I’m sorry, my dear. I just assumed that you and Ethan Sullivan are playing lovely music together. I apologize for my assumption.” 

Don’t worry about it, Madam.” 

Again, I put on my practiced smile in front of them 

Why does everybody seem to be interested in Ethan and myself

Suddenly, my phone rings and I see Lyn’s name on the screen

*Excuse me, I have to take this.I make my way towards the balcony, where it is quieter

Is everything okay?I ask nervously

Relax, Cassie.Lyn’s voice is reassuring. We are about to board the plane. We’ll see you in a little while.” 

Good. I can’t wait to see you. Please take care of Kai for me.” 

You don’t even have to ask.” 

Thanks, Lyn.” 

My pulse settles as hang up the phone. I will stay in South Carolina for more than a week, so I asked Lyn to bring Kai over. I do not want to be away from my son, and Atty Magnus tells me that we can soon start checking for Kaj’s match within my family. Besides, I’ll be meeting my grandmother soon. I know she would want to meet Kai, too

As I spin around to return to the ballroom, I hit a solid wall, or it seems like it. I stare up and find Kayden staring coldly down at me

Kai?he echoes, and instantly, I feel like fainting

As my son’s name slips out of Kayden’s lips, I cannot help but feel a knot forming in my stomach. Kayden has no idea that Kai is his own flesh and blood, his son. I feel a rush of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, I feel guilty for never telling him that our passionate nights together bore a son. But on the other hand, I feel worried, that if he found out, he would not recognize him, and he would break Kai’s heart the way he broke mine


Is that his name? Your son?” 

Fuck! He knows I have a son

Will he put two and two together

When I say nothing, he continues, “Is Sullivan the father? Or did you have intimate relations with another man the moment we 


I’m not going to answer that!I snap at him

He takes a step towards me, closing the gap between us. His arms snake around my waist, pulling me closer to him

my name as he buries his face into the curve of my neck

CassieHe breathes my 

Kayden, are you drunk?I ask

But instead of answering, he only pulls me closer, and then I feel his warm breath on my skin, sending familiar shivers down my 


I let out a soft moan as I feel his lips against the sensitive skin of my neck


You smell so good, love.I am slightly taken aback by the name he called me. It’s the same term he used whenever he made love to me all those years ago

Suddenly, memories come rushing back. The way he held me, the way he kissed me, the way his touch set every nerve in my body on 



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