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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 5


"Cassie, your grandfather’s lawyer, Attorney Magnus, has been calling you since morning,” Lyn, my assistant, says.

“I’m still not interested.”

A few days ago, I had the shock of my life when I discovered that my mother’s family is old rich. They own King's Court, a chain of luxury hotels. And my grandfather named me his successor to handle the business.

“I doubt there’s room in my portfolio for managing a chain of hotels, don’t you agree?”

Lyn raises a brow at me for a moment. “You’re one of the smartest women I know. You probably got your father’s talent for designing. But your knack for closing lucrative business deals? Maybe you got that from your late grandfather. I heard he was brilliant."

Four years ago, I discovered my passion for interior design. With my relentless efforts to give my son a better life, I built Cassandra Designs, which is now one of the biggest interior design firms in the country.

“I heard King’s Court is in trouble,” I remember one of the many articles I read the night I learned about my grandfather.

“Your grandfather had been sick for a while. No one was good enough to continue his life’s work. But it's only right that you take over his company, and later, pass it on to your son."

A smile tugs at my lips as I remember my three-year-old son. Jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. He’s a spitting image of…

“By the way,” Lyn interrupts my thoughts. “Attorney Magnus seems to be aware of your son’s condition.”

"What do you mean?"

"He'll use whatever he can to convince you to do this."

"Ha! What could they possibly have that I want?"

Lyn looks at me meaningfully. "We're talking about your mother's family here. Blood-related family. Who knows? Maybe one of them just might be your son's perfect bone marrow match."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Lyn nods. "We're running out of options. Unless you want to go to your son's fa..."

"No!" I cut her off. "There must be another way. Kai's father doesn't even know about him!"

"Then I suggest you meet with your grandfather's attorney."

As soon as I step into my office, the smell of flowers fills my senses. I find baskets of roses of different colors around the room. My eyes catch sight of the man standing near the glass walls and gazing at the city view.

"Do you really have to be overly sentimental, Mr. Sullivan?" I ask.

Ethan Sullivan used to be my next-door neighbor. He sought me out when he heard the news of my old house catching fire. I could hardly believe that from a scrawny little boy who wears thick glasses, he turned into this tall, charming man, who built one of the country's biggest financial institutions.

He turns around, his gray eyes dancing. "Happy birthday, Cassandra."

"You really shouldn't have gone berserk at the flower shop," I tease.

"Well, Cassandra Carlisle deserves only the best, doesn't she?"

"Please, have a seat." I lead him towards my desk. "Can I offer you anything?"

"No, thank you," he replies. "I won't stay long. I'm running late for a board meeting."

"Then why did you come? You should have just called. We can always meet later."

"But I want to greet you in person. And for you, Cassandra, I'd make the whole world wait."

I look away from him, a blush starts to creep over my cheeks. For the past year, Ethan has made it known that his feelings for me are more than friendly. But he's been very patient and understanding.

"Ethan," I say. "You've been a wonderful friend and support system to me and Kai."

He narrows his eyes, looking at me intently. "But you know I could be so much more than that, right?"

"Ethan, you know I care about you, too. But I've been through a lot. And Kai's health is my priority."

He reaches across the table to squeeze my hand. "I know that, Cassandra. And trust me, I would never ask you to put anything before your son."

I squeeze his hand back. Ethan has always been there for me and Kai. I know he deserves more than just friendship from me.

I smile at him. "Ethan, I..."

Then suddenly, Lyn bursts into the room, with a look of urgency on her face. "Sorry, Cassandra. But..." she trails off. "Attorney Magnus is here to see you."


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