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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 6

"You're not backing out, are you?" I can hear the weary in Lyn's voice when I told her what Attorney Magnus had asked me to do.

"Attorney Magnus drives a hard bargain. He did assure me that my family is willing to help my son, should one of them be a match. But... South Carolina is the one place I tried hard to stay away from!"

"But, Cassie, we have been searching for years," Lyn heaves a frustrated breath. "I suggested going to your relatives because I know you don't want to see or talk to your ass of an ex-husband. But it turns out, you'll have to go to him anyway!"

"I know. Life's a bitch, right?"

I have gone a long way from the last time I've seen Kayden Steele. I've built a pretty good life for myself and my son. Back then, I vowed never to see or think of him ever again. And I certainly didn't plan to do business with him!

"You..." Lyn trails off. My eyebrow shot up at her. She squirms as if the question she's about to ask is physically hurting her. "You don't still have feelings... for... him, right?"

"Ha!" is all I can utter for a moment.

My mind wanders to that devilishly handsome man, with midnight black hair and dazzling blue eyes, who is a replica of my son.

I don't love him anymore!

I close my eyes for a moment and call in my last memory of him: him carrying my bitchy stepsister out of the blazing house that she burned.

And with that memory in mind, I raise my chin to Lyn and say, "When I was Mrs. Kayden Steele, I was a sweet, innocent, gentle pushover. I had nothing to my name, and I would do anything to please my father." I slightly slam my fist on my desk. "I am no longer that woman! And the only feelings I have for Kayden Steele right now, are feelings of loathing!"

"If you don't want to ask Kayden for help with Kai, you have other relatives who probably are a match, too. This just gives us plenty of alternatives."

"I didn't say yes to Attorney Magnus yet."

"There's an inaugural event that you should go to two days from now. It would be a good opportunity for you to meet important people in the city. You should go to that. Give Kayden Steele the shock of his life."

Lyn's suggestion is quite tempting. But in all honesty, I don't even need my grandfather's company. I am happy with my peace now. Why do I need shake up my life and see the person who broke my heart years ago?

Just then, Lyn's phone rings.

"Yes... what?!" The tone of her voice sends me on high alert. "We'll be right there!"

I stare back at Lyn in panic. That tone, and that look on her face can only mean thing... Kai is having another episode.

"Let's go to the ER!"

"Is he okay?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"I'm sure he will be. He had a nosebleed and then he fainted."

I quickly grab my bag and half run towards the door in legs that can barely support my weight. This is not the first time this has happened. And I know that after a blood transfusion, Kai will be okay. But that's the other problem. His blood type is one of the rarest. We're running out of places to get it.

As my driver speeds to the hospital, I try to calm my raging nerves.

Please, god! Let him be okay! I won't ask for anything else, just save my son!

Lyn and I rush into the emergency room, panic visible in both our faces. My heart pounds inside my ribcage as I desperately search for my son's doctor.

Finally, I spot Doctor Willis, Kai's hematologist, standing near the nurse's station.

"Doctor! What happened to my son?"

"Miss Carlisle, Kai has another episode of severe anemia," she responds. "I'm ordering blood transfusion right away. We're just waiting for the blood supply."

"Is he going to be alright?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"As long as he receives the blood he needs, he'll be fine."

But that's always the problem. Kai's blood type is extremely rare.

I feel a surge of panic as the reality sinks in. If we can't find a suitable blood donor soon, my son's life will hang by a thread. I glance over at Lyn, her eyes filled with worry.

"Doctor Willis," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Is there anything we can do? Any alternative options?"

She sighs. I can hear the frustration in it.

"We've exhausted all our resources in the area. The blood bank is running low on Kai's blood type, and it takes time to locate a suitable match."


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