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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 172

Layan’s Retum Chapter 17: Jara

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I was so happy when everyone at Layan’s claiming tried to calm her. What a difference from last year. Hana and I couldn’t have been less

enthusiastic, but both McKenna and Katerina seem happy, excited even. Layan proved once again how much inner strength she has by getting on that stage and choosing her first two candidates. I don’t think anyone was surprised by her choices.

Elijah caught up to us as we left and walked with us, well, mostly Layan back to our housing. Unlike last year, anyone is welcome in the house. However, everyone is also aware that there are three Alphas and Lunas staying here with their new pups, so no one is stupid enough to try to force their way inside.

I go up to our room, finding my mother who has just put the twins down for a nap. I’m so lucky and thankful to have her here.

She puts her finger to her lips, telling us to be quiet. Mason and I walk over to the cribs, stroking our babies’ cheeks and hair before leaving them to sleep.

When we step out of the room, my mom turns to us. “I heard from Seth. He and Hana will be coming later this week. Hana is dying to get here to support Layan.”

“Of course she is.” I say, knowing I’d be the same.

“Let’s go grab some lunch while it’s quiet.” Mason says.

We all walk to the kitchen, and I hear some quiet chatting coming from outside. I don’t think anything of it until I hear Layan’s name. Being the protective woman that I am, especially with my friend, I walk to the door and see Katerina and McKenna talking.

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“It’s not personal, McKenna. He wants Layan. I think it’s sweet.”

“I just don’t understand. Why wouldn’t he at least put his name into our claimings? I mean, he’s a Beta.” McKenna says.

“What difference does that make?”

“I’m just saying, when I was in my previous pack, ranked members always wanted ranked members.”

I step outside, already done with this conversation. “Your previous pack, McKenna, also wanted to enslave you and your mother, force you into a mate bond and were willing to use both of you as breeders. Your mother left when she started hearing that your father and Alpha were planning to share her with the other ranked members in the pack. Is that the life you want for yourself? To be shared, even if it’s against your will, with all the ranked members of your pack?” I ask her.

She frowns. “No, that’s not what I meant, Luna.”

“What did you mean then?” I ask defensively.

She shuffles uncomfortably. “It’s just, well, it seems like she’s trying to gain sympathy. She had the attention of every male in the claiming today. That doesn’t seem like something someone would do if they are as shy as she claims to be.” She says. I’m pretty sure that my mouth hits the floor.

“You do know what happened to her last year, right?”

She has the audacity to roll her eyes. “Yes, I’ve heard that she was marked by an Alpha that was going feral while he was in his wolf form. I get that it may be a bit traumatic, but really, it’s not like she was forced to keep him as a mate. He was put down.”

I can feel my temper flaring. Luckily, Katerina steps in. “Is that all you were told?” She asks her.


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