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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 173

Layan’s Return Chapter 18 Mason

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Later that week, Seth and Hana arrive with their two little ones in tow. Hana immediately goes to Layan, hugging her tightly.

“I’ve missed you!” She says.

“I can’t believe you’re here. You literally gave birth a few days ago.” Layan says to her.

Hana scoffs at that and I see Seth giving me a pained look. He obviously wanted to wait longer to come here. I just give him a knowing smile. I’m mated to a strong woman too. I get it.

As this year’s females settle into their daily routine of choosing their claimants and participating in their social gatherings, it gives me time to speak with my Gamma Luke, who is running things back at the pack. Since we have quite a few pack members here, there isn’t a lot going on. but the pack still has to be managed and run. In the mornings. I video chat with him and discuss everything that is going on, what I need to handle. or anything that he’s dealing with.

Jara and the other Lunas usually go to the stage in the morning when the females announce any new members in their claims. Jara told me that Layan has invited a few omegas from her pack. I was a bit surprised by that, but Jara told me that she has worked with them in the kitchens and is fairly comfortable around them. Not surprisingly, she hasn’t chosen any more Alphas for her claim.

We’re coming to the end of the first week, when Councilman Phillip comes to see me and Jara.

“Hi Dad.” Jara says, walking up to kiss him. I shake his hand in greeting and ask if he wants to come in.

Layans un Chapter 10.

288 Vouchers

“Actually, I’d like it if the two of you would come with me. We have a visitor that would like to speak with the two of you.”

“Who?” Jara asks him.

“Dr. Braxton.”

I feel Jara stiffen beside me as my hackles go up. “Why does he want to meet with us?” I ask.

“I don’t know, but I told him it would be better if I came to get you, rather than bringing him here. Too many pups here and most of you are already feeling protective of them, and that doesn’t include all the talk about testing.”

It’s true. I look at Jara. “We can at least see what he wants.” I tell her.

She asks the other Lunas to look after our pups and we follow her father to the main packhouse. When we arrive. Phillip takes us to his office, the same office that Jason used last year when he was managing the claiming.

I can hear the sounds of chattering from the back of the packhouse where they are having their social events. It really is amazing how different this year feels from last year when tensions were so high.

When we walk into the office, Dr. Braxton stands, extending his hand. “Alpha, Luna. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

“Doctor.” I say, shaking his hand.

Jara does the same and Phillip turns to leave. “I’ll let you talk. Let me know if you need anything.” He says before walking out and closing the


“Please, have a seat.” Dr. Braxton says and we sit, facing him across the



“I wanted to meet with you both because I’m not sure I was clear in discussion last week.” He begins.


“You were clear that our children have higher antibodies than we do, as does Melinda. You were going to test the children of the other recently mated Alphas and Lunas to see if their pups have the same higher level of immunity.” I say. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.


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