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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 175

Layan’s Retum Chapter 20: Luke

288 Vouchers


Even though I was chosen for both McKenna and Katerina’s claims on the first day, I’ve been attending the morning meetings each morning. I’d been surprised when McKenna hadn’t chosen anyone over the last several days, but whatever was keeping her from choosing obviously got corrected, and she made several choices this morning, much to the relief of those she chose.

However, my eye has been on Katerina. I don’t know what it is about her, but there’s a strength there. a confidence that comes from within. I did some digging and found out that she had told Jonas that she would not have him in her claim. She has also not chosen a single man from her pack. It’s a bold move, but one that an Alpha female would make.

I had also found out that she is from a very old royal Alpha line, and it shows in everything about her; her grace, her confidence but also in her kindness, everything about her has drawn me in more and more every day. It’s almost like there is a pull from her. tugging me to her. I don’t know how to explain it, but it gets me up every morning, excited to watch her choose the men for her claim.

Unlike McKenna, who started off with only ranked members, Katerina added warriors to her claim on day one. Since that time, she’s also added a few omegas. All of the men she’s chosen are good men, strong in their own ways. It says a lot that she sees that in such a short amount of time.

McKenna had asked Councilman Phillip if she could spend some additional time with her chosen claimants and her request had been granted. He had then said that Katerina and Layan could also spend additional time with their chosen claimants. Today, I get to spend one-on- one time with Katerina.

I told her I’d pick her up. It’s not like we’re allowed to leave the territory,

Layans Retum Chapter 20 Luke



288 Vouchers

but I wanted to make an impression, so I found a basket and packed us a picnic. I even swiped a bottle of wine and found a spot that overlooks the claiming territory. It won’t show her much, but we all heard the stories of the Lunas spending their first night in the cave over the waterfall. I want to show Katerina where it is, so I know that she’ll be safe on that first night.

I knock on the door to this year’s female and mated couple’s housing. I’m surprised when Jara answers the door, a baby in her arms.


“Hello, Jara.” I have a momentary ping of sadness. I had tried to claim Jara, until I realized that her heart truly belonged to Mason. I felt like she and I had made a connection, and she had told me that she wouldn’t mind if I claimed her, but it was not meant to be. I do hope though, that in a year, I will see my mate, holding my pup when I walk into a room.

Jara reaches out her arm and pulls me in for a hug. “What’cha got there. Luke?” She asks me, teasingly. It was one of the things that I immediately liked about Jara. She was strong, tough as nails, but still fun and caring. She was there for me when my Alpha died, she was the one that ran my Alpha ceremony and her stamp of approval meant everything to the pack. especially the ones that weren’t at the claiming.

I’d had to go home after last year’s claiming and tell the pack members that hadn’t attended that not only had our Alpha been put down, but I’d been indoctrinated as their new Alpha without their knowledge or consent. It had been rough until the ones at the claiming told them all that Jara had stood up for me. After that, everyone swore their allegiance to me, and the pack has been running well ever since.

“It’s a picnic, if you must know.” I tell her as she pulls back.

She just smiles at me, shaking her head.

“What?” I ask her.

“Somehow I knew that you’d be a romantic at heart.” She says, giving me a knowing look.

I just shrug.

“She’d be a good mate for you.” She whispers to me as we walk into the living room.

I turn to look at her. Jara has good insights into people. She knows that my pack has grown since I took over as Alpha, and while I love leading my pack, it’s hard, really hard to do this on my own. Having a strong Luna at my side would make my life, my role as Alpha, that much easier.

She nods at me before stepping away. “Katerina. Alpha Luke is here.” She

calls out.

Katerina comes walking into the room. Even now, with only a couple of us in the room, she controls it, she demands your attention, or at least, she demands my attention and that’s saying something given that Jara is standing beside me.

“Katerina.” I say, inclining my head. My nose is suddenly filled with the scent of crème brulee, custard, sugar and a hint of berries. I only had it once, but it was so delicious that I’ve never forgotten the flavor.

“Alpha Luke, what’s this?” She asks, pointing to the basket on my arm.

“A picnic basket.” I say, suddenly feeling like maybe this is too pedestrian for someone like Katerina. That feeling washes away when she smiles up

at me.

“I’ve never been on a picnic.”

“Then today is your lucky day.”

“Yes, I think it might be.” She says before turning to Jara, who I’ve forgotten was even in the room.



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