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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 174

Layan’s Return Chapter 19. McKenna

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I had gone to my room after speaking to Luna Jara about Layan. I can’t believe my mother left me in the dark about so many things. Important things. How am I supposed to be any sort of mate or Luna if I don’t know what’s going on? So, I had called my mother.

“Hey honey, how are you? How’s the claiming going?” She had asked me.

I was quiet for a moment thinking about what Katerina told me before tears had started falling again. I had forced myself to stop crying before coming inside the house but when I heard my mother’s voice, they had started again.

“McKenna? McKenna, baby, what happened?” My mother’s worried voice came through the line.

“Why didn’t you tell me momma? Why didn’t you tell me about what really happened with Layan and what really was going on in our previous pack? Why did you hide that from me?”

“Oh sweetheart. Who told you?”

“It doesn’t matter. It should have been you that told me, especially about Layan. Mom, I thought she was acting to get attention. Acting! I thought her panic attacks were all a ploy to get more males interested in her. Mom….I feel like a fool.”

“Oh, hun. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you, wanted to let you know before you left. But after we got here to Alpha Luke’s pack, you’ve been so happy. His pack is so much better than our other pack. The males here are better men. I didn’t want you to be scared going into your claiming. I wanted you to be excited, to enjoy the thrill of the hunt the way it’s supposed to be.”

Layans Retum Chapter 19: McKenna

“But mom, what if I went into this thinking everything would be great and something happened? I would have been completely unprepared. I need to rethink all of the men I’ve already put into my claim.”

“Sweetheart, no. You chose them for a reason. Follow your heart and your gut. Don’t let what has happened in the past effect your claiming. I want you to enjoy yourself, have fun and find a mate that is perfect for you.”

“I thought I wanted an Alpha, but….what if….” I can’t even finish. It was an Alpha that did those horrible things to Layan.

“You listen to me, McKenna Allen. That man went feral. The Lunas have made sure that this event is much safer than last year and probably any year since the claiming process started. If you need to speak to those Alphas again to decide that your instinct is correct, do it. But don’t remove them because of your fear of what they might do. That’s not fair to them or you.

“Is it true what they said about dad wanting to share you and possibly me with the ranked members in the pack?” I had asked quietly.

She sighed heavily. “Yes. He was your father, I didn’t want you to know that he was thinking such disgusting things. I wouldn’t allow him or anyone to do that to you.”

“That’s why we ran?”


“Thank you, mom, for always looking out for me. I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart. Do you need me to come there? I will if you need me.”

“No, I think I’ll take your advice. I’ll speak to the Alphas.” I say, thinking of one in particular that I want to talk to.

“Okay sweetheart. Call me any time.

I hadn’t chosen another person for my claiming since that call. Today, I needed to speak to Alpha Davis.

When I leave the stage after our morning meeting, seeing the

disappointment in the eyes of many that have been spending time with me, I approach him.

“Alpha Davis, may I speak with you?”


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