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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 177

Layan’s Retur Chapter 22 Mason

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I’m in the hospital’s makeshift nursery when Jara and the other Lunas walk in.

“How did you know what to do, Layan?” Jara is asking her.

“Seriously, Layan. That was awesome.” Hana says.

Layan blushes and shrugs. “I’ve been helping Luna Nina when she’s needed help and she taught me some things. And,” she says, pulling an ear bud out of her ear, “I literally had a doctor in my ear the entire time.”

I walk over and kiss Jara, as she takes Jaxon from me. I’m still holding Jordan. It’s getting easier to balance two now. Just as I’m about to ask what happened, the doctor walks in.

“Nice job, Layan. Thank you for your assistance.”

“No problem, doc. Alpha Antonio said he’d get his daughter to you so you can check her over.” Layan tells him.

“He already did, thank you. I won’t interrupt, I just wanted to say that you did an excellent job, young lady.”

Layan blushes again and I mind link Elijah letting him know that his intended mate just helped deliver a baby.

“What? She did? How?” He asks.

“Why don’t you come to the hospital and ask her yourself?” I suggest.

I feel him smile through our bond before he disconnects our link.

I’m refocusing on the group as Antonio walks in, carrying his new



“Everyone, meet my daughter, Valentina.” He looks up at us. “We named her after my mother.”

“It’s a beautiful name!” The girls exclaim.

We all move around him, and I see that this baby has Antonio’s dark hair. It’s too soon to know if she will also have his darker skin tone and her eyes are closed, so I can’t tell if she got his eyes or Annabel’s.

“I’d better get back. Annabel should have calmed down by now, but she’ll be wanting to nurse this little one.” He says.

“Was she like this during the first delivery?” Mignon asks him.

“Like what?” I ask, having no idea what they are talking about.

“She’s one of those women who goes crazy during delivery.” Hana says.

“Yeah, be thankful all I did was break your hand.” Jara tells me.

Yeah, thankful. That’s the word I’m looking for…

“I love my mate with every ounce of my being, truly I do. But when she goes into that delivery room, it’s like Jekyll and Hyde. She scares the crap out of me.” Antonio says. I notice that his hand is still healing where Annabel must have broken his too.

“We’ll come back later and see her after she’s had a chance to rest.” Jara

tells him.

“Do you want us to take Noelle, or do you want to keep her here with you?” Hana asks him, referencing their first child.

He looks over at his sleeping daughter, smiling a soft smile that I understand well. Your heart just feels full to bursting when you look at

your children, especially when they are sleeping sweetly.

“I’ll keep her with us. Can someone help me move this crib into our room?” Antonio asks.


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