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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 178

Layan’s Return Chapter 23. Katerina


The morning that I was scheduled to enter the claiming, I was nervous. It was finally time. I was excited by also nervous. Alpha Luke had told me to find the cave tonight and sleep there. Luna Jara had told me the same. She also told me to carve my name into the wall, that they had started a tradition last year.

After the morning announcement that I was going into the claiming, I was given a bag of food, mostly freeze-dried meats that had minimal scent and therefore minimal flavor, but still food I would need over the course of the week.

Luna Jara had asked if I wanted anyone to walk me to the entrance, but I told her I was fine. As I walk to the entrance, I am rethinking that. My heart rate is ticking up. One more day. One more day before the hunt is on for me. I can only imagine what it was like last year for Luna Jara or Luna Hana.

As I turn, I see my 50 claimants watching me intently, possessively. They all want to catch me. I’m about to turn away when chocolate brown eyes lock with mine. Alpha Luke. A slow smile spreads across his face, as if he knows he’s just captured me in his trance.

I shake my head to clear it and turn, getting my mind into the hunt. Luna Jara said to use this first day to learn the lay of the land, and I intend to do that.

The Lunas and Layan had outlined parts of the territory for me, the lake with the cave, the stream, the cliff with the watering hole at the top and several areas where the trees were especially good for hiding. Layan, Mignon and Annabel had also given me some places where they’d found hiding spots. Now, I just need to make

sure that the places they told me about are still there and that I know how to get to them.

As I walk into the territory, I look at the front line of trees. I see the one that is most likely the one Jara spent her last couple of minutes in. It’s closest to the entrance and has a large branch near the bottom. Her group was in the claiming haze though, so she sat quietly waiting for her time to be near. I won’t have that, most likely. We don’t anticipate the claiming haze to impact anyone this year. Plus, Alpha Luke already told me that he knew about Jara in the trees, so I’ll have to be very smart about my use of them.

Since I’m planning to spend the night in the cave, I decide to go left and begin my exploration of the territory by the stream. I find it easily where it comes from underground, or under the fencing of the territory. I take off my shoes and begin to casually walk through the stream, eliminating my scent. Jara created multiple scent trails in her claim, but I plan to do the opposite. I want to make it extremely hard for my claimants to find me.

I walk the stream, marking spots in the forest beside me where I could easily get into a tree, or identifying the areas where one of the Lunas said they found a hiding spot. When I get to the end, I realize there is an opening here. I make a note that if I’m being chased, I want to exit the stream before I get to the end, otherwise, I’ll be leaving a scent trail behind for them to catch me.

I double back, finding the closest tree to the stream that I can climb and pull myself up. I begin to carefully make my way to the back of the claiming territory. This is where Jara said the cliff with the watering hole is. Once I get there, I see that there is a bit of distance for me to make it to the cliff. I take a deep breath and run as far as the branch will let me, leaping into the air and just landing on the cliff. I tuck and roll as I land and as I come to a stop, I see the watering hole.

Since it’s already afternoon, I sit and eat, using this opportunity to get some fresh water and look down on the territory below me. This will be a great spot to watch what is happening below me. And since I didn’t leave a scent trail, I will plan to head back this way to see where people are during the week. If I make it that long. I have three Alphas hunting me. All of them are smart, all of them know the Lunas and have heard the stories of how they were captured, and most of them came across at least one of the Lunas during her time in the claiming in one way or another.


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